YOGA STOPS TRAFFICK – 15th March 2014

Contact : Napisa C . Pant

Give your 90 minutes to rebuild the new life.

Odanadi is a residential facility just outside Mysore, India that rescues, rehabilitates and reintegrates survivors of human trafficking. Over the past 25 years, Odanadi has rescued over 4,200 women, boys and girls from situations of exploitation, slavery and abuse.

It is our  5th legendary  year of ISB community  to join the young people of Odanadi for YogaStopstraffick  to extend our love beyond our own ISB and Nichada Community.

No Yoga Experience is needed. Please bring a towel, water and a yoga mat. If you don’t have a mat, we have plenty for you to borrow. Suggested donation 500 baht from Adult, 200 baht from student.  Any donation is appreciated, or you can sponsor someone to join the events.

T- Shirt are completely sold out. Feel free to wear any comfortable cloth that allows your hearts to expand to those survivors.

This Saturday, March 15th,

 Sign in 7:15am. MPB1 Yoga starts 7:30 am.

2014 YOGA CREATES: Body Free Photography Project, created by the young people at Odanadi India. Please follow the link to our Facebook Page to see the amazing art works inspired by the children’s experiences of practicing yoga – beautiful!

Click here for link.

About Tina

ES secretary
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