Upcoming MS FCD Parent Meeting

Dear MS Parents,

As part of our Wellness Program, visiting consultants from the Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) organization will meet with students in grades 7 and 87th and 8 through an assembly on Monday, March 24th and one of their Humanities classes either on Monday or Tuesday, March 24-25.  The sessions will focus on positive discussions on the health risks of alcohol and substance use to the developing teenage brain, possible long term addiction problems tied to early use, social norms and the misconceptions about teenage behavior, and strategies for maintaining healthy choices.

There is a MS Parent Meeting on Monday, March 24 at 6:30 – 8:00pm in MPB1 that all MS parents are invited to attend.  The FCD consultants will present some information about the FCD program and majority of the meeting will be an open forum discussion format where parents have an opportunity to ask questions, and discuss/share concerns about teenagers and drugs and alcohol.

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