Student Led Conferences – March 20, 21

Please be reminded that we have Student-led conferences on Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March  21, 2014 for all grades, Pre-K – Gr 5. There are no classes for ES students on these two days, however, students need to come with their parents to their student-led conference, including to the student-led conference in specials (Art, Music, PE and World Languages).  If you have not made your appointment via the pickatime scheduler, please do so soon so that teachers will know when to expect you and your child.

Student Led Conference Tips for Parents:

  • Please give your child your full attention. Switching off mobile phones is greatly appreciated.

  • Taking photographs can be distracting to your child. Please save photos until the end of the conference.

  • You and your child do not need to use English. Please feel free to communicate in your home language.

  • When listening to your child, please give positive feedback and share your observations about the learning that has taken place.

  • If your child seems a little nervous or shy, just give them time and ask guiding  questions about what they are showing you.

  • Remember that something may seem very small to you, but it may have been a huge achievement for a Pre-K child!

  • Most importantly enjoy this focused time with your child.

About Tina

ES secretary
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