Join us for ‘Lunch with Michelle’ Wednesday March 19

Parent Lunch and Introduction/Discussion to the ES Cafeteria
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To all new and returning parents of ES students.  Did you know that ISB food service is run by Epicure Catering a company that provides food services to several international schools in the Bangkok area?  Are you interested in finding out more?  Ever wanted to sample what our children eat everyday? Well, here is your chance to learn all about the food service and ES cafeteria at ISB.  Come join, Michelle Ihrig, Manager of Operations at ISB for “Lunch with Michelle” on Wednesday, March 19 at 10:30 am.  There will be a short tour of the ES cafeteria followed by lunch and casual discussion.  Space is limited and fills up quickly so please RSVP to Andrea Spira at by Monday, March 17.

About Tina

ES secretary
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