Counselor Newsletter

Andrew Weiser
Grade 9
Mr. Davy is continuing small group conferences with the grade 9 students to look at their four-year plan and discuss course selection for next year.  Be sure to ask your child what courses he/she plans on taking next year.

FCD –Freshmen will be attending one FCD session on Wednesday, March 19 after school during Flex.  Students needing transportation home can take 3:30pm buses.

Grade 10
Sophomore Seminar #4 was completed on March 10/11.  The counselors had individual conferences with each student to discuss course selection for next year. Each student will have a pink form listing the courses discussed with the counselor.  Be sure to talk with you child about his/her plans for grades 11 and 12. Is the full IB diploma the right choice for him/her?  Are there courses which are necessary for admissions to the major he/she is considering?

P.S. If the student does not have the pink form, that means they probably missed the Sophomore Seminar!!

Grade 11
Junior Conferences should have been completed on 13 March!!!  Quite a few juniors have not set the appointment with their counselor.  Please ask your child if he/she still needs to complete the work and turn it in to Khun Vannee in the High School Counseling Office.  Once that is done, the student can then make the appointment for their Junior Conference with the counselor and his/her parents. The days are running out!

Counselors conducted two informational sessions about standardized testing (SAT/ACT/TOEFL) to the Thai and Japanese parent communities.  Thank you for your attendance.

University Lab started on Monday, 3 March, and will be open each Monday through April 28 from 2:15-3:00 in room 203.  Juniors are encouraged to come to the session to work on their university research.  A counselor will be present to support their research and answer questions.

Grade 12
Application results are coming in!  As of Thursday, 155 seniors have processed applications to colleges and universities. 111 students have received one or more acceptances for a total of 276 offers of admissions. Way to go Seniors!!  Please remind your child to come by to see their counselor about their application decisions so we can keep track of them.  Also, encourage your child to thank the teachers who wrote a letter of recommendation for him/her!

FCD – GRADE 12:  Seniors will be attending two FCD sessions during their free period next Tuesday, March 18 to Friday, March 21.  Students should attend either Tuesday AND Thursday (March 18 and 20) OR Wednesday AND Friday (March 19 and 21).  Those with no free period must attend Tuesday and Thursday after-school during Flex.

Repeated Message:
ISB has positive relationships with many universities around the world. For those trusting relationships to continue, ISB counselors work diligently to advise students using ethical standards and practices.  In the past several years, universities have become increasingly aware of fraudulent applications being submitted by applicants from Thailand.  ISB took quick and decisive actions to protect our students by changing the application process for ISB applicants. The feedback we are receiving from universities has been very supportive.  Recently, Fortune Magazine published an article detailing the concerns by many universities regarding this issue.  Please see the full article at the below link:

University Visits

The unrest in Bangkok has resulted in many universities canceling their visit to Thailand.  The visits currently scheduled:

Monday, 17th March at 10:20am, Art Room

  • Academy of Art University

Friday, 21st March at 10:20am, Cafeteria
International Students Network Fair-

  • Adelphi University
  • University of Bridgeport
  • California State University, Fresno
  • East Texas Baptist University
  • Eastern Washington University
  • Maryville College
  • Oklahoma City University
  • Oral Roberts University
  • Oregon State University
  • Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  • University of San Francisco
  • University of South Florida, Tampa
  • Susquehanna University
  • Tennessee Technological University
  • University of Wisconsin, Platteville
  • University of Birmingham

Be sure to check Naviance regularly to see the up to date information as it changes often!

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