Choral Bash

Kerri Fitzgerald

Choral Bash Wed March 19th  6:30 pm in the Chevron – this is a big one!

Many of you will have been disappointed that CC Music had to be moved to ISKL recently. This meant that the two of the biggest musical experiences of the year (the two CC Festival Showcases) were only available as live stream. Be sure to get your tickets early for those two events next year when ISB will host CC Music!

Here’s an opportunity to attend another great Concert – the CHORAL BASH…
Now in its fifth year, this concert celebrates singing through individual choir performances and festival repertoire sung by all of the choirs combined (ES, MS and HS)

Why do we sing? asked one of the four vocal music directors during a rehearsal for this year’s biggest choir concert. The responses from a few of the over 250 singers involved included the following: We sing because it’s fun… We sing to express ourselves… We sing to connect with others… We sing to learn about other cultures…and, Singing makes me feel good!

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