Repeat: Cafeteria News… Did You Know…?

…That the most awaited Smoothie Month of the Year has arrived!! Welcome back to Yellow Mango Madness!! There are actually some blessings that come along as the scorching hot season commences. One of the best is the naturally ripe, sweet fruit we can savor at this time.  This would include the ‘King of Fruits’, the yellow mango.  We’re whipping up fresh Mango smoothies such as our Mango Madness, Mango Strawberry Kiss and Mango Blueberry Bang (the last two made with yoghurt), and are also serving Mango with Sticky Rice, starting in March at the Grind. The health benefits of Mango are so numerous, this blurb is not able to do them fair justice. However, we will just have to mention a few: Mangoes are rich in antioxidants and alkalizing properties which help combat cancer causing agents and inflammation, contain high levels of fiber and vitamin C which lower cholesterol and boost the immune system, and are high in vitamin A which improves vision. For further good news on Mango, we invite you to take your own journey into the wonders of this fruit.  Welcome Mango Mania!  Enjoy!

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