Service Learning and Helping Others – Alive and Well in the ES

At every grade level in the elementary school, students are involved in Service Learning Projects that benefit others in our community.  Some recent events include:

The Grade 3 Read-A-Thon

Shortly after returning back from winter break, third grade students got busy collecting pledges for our annual Read-a-thon fundraiser.  The following week, students read and read and read.  For every minute they read, they earned more money to support the After-the-Wave program.  This program has been supporting Khao Lak’s R35 school and students since the tsunami of 2004. After seven days of intense reading, students in grade three raised a whopping 335,867 baht!  So a big thank you to all the students’ and families efforts to support a great cause.

Grade 2 Service Learning

Students in grade 2 worked very hard to raise money to buy books for Prasert Islam School. Some of the creative ways to raise money included; face painting, car washing and completing extra chores. The grand total was 133,963.25 baht! We took a trip to Prasert Islam School and donated Thai books on February 18th. The visit gave our students a chance to see the results of the hard work they put into raising money to buy books for the classrooms. The goal was that our students learned that they can make a difference in our global community.  The trip was  also  a time for sharing a story and activity with the students who attend this school. We are very proud of all the grade 2 students!

We have had many other grade levels do amazing things both this year and last, such as the PK After The Wave Sale, toy drives, partnering with neighboring schools, helping students in the local YWCA, and many other events.

Look for our upcoming Kinder and grade 5 book sales and other service learning projects throughout the school this year.

About Tina

ES secretary
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