ISB New Tennis Courts

by Andy Vaughan

Dear Community,

We are excited that the new tennis courts in the Sports Complex have finally been handed over to ISB and that we now have access for our students to start to use this facility starting Monday of next week.

Over the coming weekend our Panther Tennis Team coaches will move to the Sports Complex and will base their office out of the Aquatics/Tennis office on level two of this building. For the next two weeks the courts will only be available for Panther Tennis Team trainings and will not be available for the community to book. We aim to use this time to ensure that all systems are working well before we open this facility up for any further bookings.

For all students having Panther Tennis trainings, please communicate with your coaches to ensure what court you will be training on. At times of high demand there may be some trainings that occur on the old courts as well as the new courts due to the need for court space.

All personal court bookings still take place as per usual for the old courts. This procedure can be found at:

We look forward to getting the full use of these courts and seeing the benefit they will have on our tennis program and tennis athletes.


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