International Family Fair (IFF) – March 1st

by the IFF Team 2014

We are so ready for IFF 2014, and we hope that you are ready too!

Food booths representing 20 different countries will be serving you a taste of their countries. Fun games will be on hand from a climbing wall to a dunk tank, from fencing to sumo wrestling. It will all be there for you and your family to enjoy.

We have things for all ages and not only games. The prizes are amazing this year. Do you want to be the ES Principal for a half day? Do you want to see your own favorite film in the theatre with all your friends, conduct a piece of music or have free dress day for your grade or what about an off-campus pass with your friend?? Come and bid at the silent auction table and these things can be yours….

What???? Yes, of course we have raffles. Also with great prizes from a phone to a VIP soccer night, from a free night in a hotel to a free massage.

This is all going to be happening on the 1st of March at ISB from 4-7 with a great variety of entertainment. The ES drawing competition winners will be also be announced during the IFF.

Elementary Students: Don’t forget!  Bring in your art work to the ES office by the 28th of February

The IFF is a success because of you and your energy. We need lots of volunteers. So please fill in our google doc: IFF Volunteers

See you then,

IFF Team 2014

Tali, Karen, Gabriela, Kristen, Jen C, Kevin, Tom and Kim

***The last meeting before the IFF will be on the 12th of February 10.00 am MS MPR***




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