Grade 3 and 7 students raise over 500,000 for After the Wave!

A HUGE thank you to Grade 3, Grade 7 and the entire ISB community for their continued support of After The Wave. The Grade 3 Read-A-Thon raised 335,867 baht and the Grade 7 Technology Free Day raised 203,240 baht!

For those of you new to the community, teachers at ISB established After The Wave, a registered Thai foundation, in response to the 2004 tsunami.

Our mission is to assist children and their families with the basic needs and expenses of school. Our focus is the Phang-Nga region of Southern Thailand, primarily at the R 35 School. ATW supports children who do not have the basic necessities for school. We also have an emergency medical fund as well as a scholarship fund for students who need support to attend University or vocational training after they graduate from R 35.

One of the students we sponsored recently graduated from university (our first). His thank you letter follows.

Dear After the Wave Foundation and sponsors,

My name is Tanongsak Timpo, nick name “Toe”. Thanks to the generosity of After The Wave Foundation, I was able to graduate from Prince of Songkla University and obtain my dream job as an engineer. This letter is to express my gratitude and appreciation for all that After The Wave has done for me.

Following graduation from R 35 in Phang Nga I was accepted to study engineering at Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai campus. I was thrilled but also unsure that I would be able to attend university because my family and I could not afford the high tuition and dues. ATW’s scholarship helped me afford books and other necessary school supplies and day-to-day necessities (like food). Without the scholarship I simply would have not been able to attend university.

Following graduation I am working as a production engineer for a factory in Saraburi; a job I have always dreamed of. It is my hope and promise that I will give back to the program and help future disadvantaged students like myself accomplish their dreams for a higher education and a better life.

No words describe my appreciation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Tanongsak Timpo

Again, Thanks to the entire ISB community for your continued support for After the Wave.

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