SAT Prep Course

Philip Bradley

Dear Parents

Please find below a notice regarding an SAT preparation course.

I would also like to direct you to an ISB information sheet that provides good advice and links to resources related to SAT & ACT test preparation.

See this link to the information sheet SAT or ACT

Philip Bradley

SAT prep course at ISB
Stanley Kaplan SAT prep course at ISB

Parents of HS students who are planning to sit for the May SAT test may be interested in a Stanley Kaplan prep course. A couple of parents who would appreciate the convenience of having a course given in Nichada have contacted this company and requested that they run a class for ISB students.

Class is limited to 15 students and will be taught by an American teacher. Lessons are twice per week for 3 hours and will go from March 1st until the week before testing day so the lessons are fresh. Class will meet Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-1pm with a break during Songkran. The cost is approximately 28,000 baht depending on how many students sign up. Families will pay the company directly.

We are looking for serious interest since the class starts soon. If you would like to have your child’s name on the list, please send an email to Laura Shepard at by Friday, February 14th. Students will be enrolled on a “first come first served” basis.

Thank you,
Laura Shepard
Principal Forum Rep for Grade 11

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