Final GCW Preparations

Peter Roback

With only one week of classes remaining before Global Citizenship Week, please make sure your child is prepared for their course.  Teachers have supplied packing lists and itineraries for planning purposes.  Take time to visit course Haiku sites which contain itineraries, contact information, course objectives, and much more .  Please double check that passports have 6 months validity and all necessary visas are completed for students leaving the country.

The safety and well-being of students continues to be our top priority.  Our teachers have done extensive work in developing safety plans and taking necessary precautionary measures.  We are also continually monitoring the political situation in Bangkok to ensure the safety of our local courses.  Some changes to itineraries have been made and secondary plans developed in the event that conditions quickly change.  We have also developed systems to reach all groups in case urgent communication is needed.

Final GCW group meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 11 from 1:40-2:05pm.  Parents are invited to attend.  Ask your child for meeting room location.

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