Counseling Center News

Debbie McDowell

The semester is well underway. Please encourage your child to see his/her counselor if there are any issues in which they need assistance.  It’s a good time to check in Powerschool to see if all assignments and work has been turned it. It would be a positive step for all students to make sure they are caught up next week as we lead into our Global Citizenship Week in which all students, teachers and counselors will be off campus on amazing learning experiences.

Grade 9
Mr. Davy is starting his individual conferences with the grade 9 students to look at their four year plan and start the discussion about course selection for next year. 

Grade 10
Sophomore Seminar #3 will be held on Monday, 10 February, and Thursday, 13 February.  Students will attend during their free period or during Flex on Monday if they don’t have a free period.  Sophomores have already received an email about their assigned period.  This Seminar will pull together the information from Seminar #1 and #2. The focus is on career research and course selection for next year.

Grade 11
Last week was the deadline for all Junior Assignments to be turned in.  Some Juniors still need to complete the work and turn it in to Khun Vannee in the High School Counseling Office.  Once that is done, the student can then make the appointment for their Junior Conference with the counselor and his/her parents.

Last Thursday was the Junior Parent presentation. Thanks to all of those who attended. We had a great turn out, especially given the unrest in Bangkok. If you were not able to attend, a copy of the power point can be accessed here:

If you have registered for an account on Naviance, you can still do so. Ask your child for the registration code that was given to him/her at the beginning of the year.  You can also, contact your child’s counselor to receive the code to activate your account.  You will learn more about Naviance during the Junior Conference.

Junior Conferences are underway.  Please check with your child to see if your time has been scheduled. This is a very important session with the counselor to discuss course selection for next year and university application process.

Grade 12
It is important to encourage your child to maintain his/her motivation throughout this semester.  The last semester of high school still counts and students should remain engaged and productive!

Many students who have applied to university have already received acceptances!  As of today, 150 seniors have processed applications to colleges and universities. 85 students have received one or more acceptances for a total of 172 offers of admissions. Way to go Seniors!!

University Visits
The unrest in Bangkok has resulted in many universities canceling their visit to Thailand.  We hope that upon our return from GCW we will have many university representatives on campus again. In the meantime, there are three fairs that will be taking place downtown:

Education USA Fair (Feb 8) 10:30 -16:30 @ Renaissance Hotel. Limited number of tickets available. Register at

AEO US College Tour (Feb 22) Athenee Hotel Ballroom from 12:30 to 4:00pm.

Linden Tour (Feb 22) Four Seasons Hotel (155 Rajadamri Road) 1:00-4:00 pm.

Parents are welcome to attend these events.

Please regularly check Naviance for the most up to date information about university visits on campus.

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