National Honor Society News

Cameron Macky

In February, ISB’s high-school faculty will begin the process of selecting students for membership in our chapter of National Honor Society for the 2014-15 school year.

According to ISB’s NHS Constitution, the selection process must be made available to both students and parents through a school publication. The process is outlined in detail in the ISB High-School Student Handbook (p. 62), the ISB High-School Parent Handbook, and is also available on the ISB website at

An invitation to begin the process will be emailed to students on January 29th, and will also be included in the daily bulletin. Updates and reminders will be sent via email to students in grades 10, 11, and 12.

NHS Selection Schedule 2014

1.      January 29th

Students with cumulative high-school GPA’s of 3.500 or higher are notified that they are eligible for NHS consideration. Information will be posted in the high-school office, and reminders will be in the daily announcements for students to check the list.

2.      January 31st, February 3rd, or February 4th

Interested students must attend one mandatory informational meeting, on either Friday, January 31st at 10:30 am (MPB2); Monday, February 3 at 2:15 pm (MPB2); or Tuesday, February 4, at 2:15 pm (room 118).

3.      by February 13th, 2:15 pm

Interested students must turn in the “Student Information Form” to continue the process.

4.      throughout March

Faculty Council gathers information from faculty on eligible students.

5.      by 3rd week of March

Faculty Council selects 2014 induction class.

6.      March 27th

New members and unsuccessful candidates are notified by private letter at school.

7.      March 31st  

New members attend informational meeting.

8.      April 2nd

Induction Ceremony: 3:00 – 4:30 pm in the MPB.

If you have questions or you would like more specific information, please read the NHS pages on the school website, or contact Mr. Cameron Macky, National Honor Society adviser, at .

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