Counseling Center News

Kevin Callahan

The semester is in full swing now.  If your son or daughter is struggling with anything in or out of school, please let his/her counselor know and we’ll be sure and see if there’s anything we can do to help.

There are two big college fairs coming to Bangkok on the Saturday at the end of our Global Citizenship Week, that is, February 22nd.  They couldn’t schedule to visit ISB because so few students are at ISB that week, but you are welcome to attend the fairs downtown.  The Study USA AEO Tour is at the Plaza Athenee Bangkok on Wireless Road from 12:30-4:00 on the 22nd, and the Linden Tour is from 1:00-4:00 at the Four Seasons Hotel on Rajadamri Road on the same day.  Political events in Thailand may affect the number of universities that visit.  That goes for visits to ISB as well; check Naviance regularly for updates on visiting schools.

SeniorsHopefully you finished submitting your applications that are due by February 1st with your counselor – if not, better start looking for some schools with later deadlines! We have sent the updated transcript and what’s called a “Mid-Year Report” to every school for every Senior.  One less thing for you to worry about.  Also, please let us know of any results that you’ve heard from universities.  (Over 70 seniors already have been admitted to at least one university.)Thanks.

Juniors -Junior Seminar #3 was January 29th and 30thand all 11th graders were required to attend.  A most important seminar.Hopefully, parents attended University Night for Grade 11 parents on the 30th.  Now it’s time to make an appointment (KhunVannee in the high school is the person to talk to) to see your son/daughter’s counselor to talk about life after ISB.  Meetings usually take approximately one hour.  Students need to have completed their junior packets in order to make an appointment (and parents, make sure that you do the “Parent Perspectives” sheet).

Sophomores – All sophomores should have finished their “Career Interest Profiler”, and parents can view it on Naviance if they’d like. The next Sophomore Seminar, on February 10 and 13, will combine the two interest inventories to give information on preferences and possible fields of study.  This should help when students consider their course selections for the next two years.

Freshmen – Many of you have a free period for the first time this semester.  Do you know how to use it wisely?  What do you do during your free period?  Study?  Ask for help from teachers?  Catch up on Facebook?  Eat?  Sleep?  Hang out with friends?  All of the above?  What is the optimum use of time in a free period?  Do you know?  Ask your counselor!!

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