A Million Thanks to You

by: Joy Davy

On behalf of the ISB Filipino Community and Friends, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to all who supported our fundraising efforts for our countrymen in the Philippines who were devastated by Typhoon Haiyan.

Because of the ISB community’s (and non-ISB friends) overwhelming support, we were able to raise 1,108,239.75 Bht.

We would like to especially thank Dr. Andy Davies, our Head of School, who allowed us to conduct our fundraising activities in school and Ms. Chris Tananone for her complete support from the very beginning up to the end.  I would also add a special mention for all the amazing ISB students who conducted so many fundraising activities for the Philippine Relief Fund.  There are so many people who helped us as well and even though I could not mention all of you by name, know that you have our sincere appreciation for everything that you have contributed to our cause.

The funds will be ready for transfer by the end of this week or early next week to the 2 charities we’re supporting: Gawad Kalinga and Habitat for Humanity Philippines. The complete breakdown of the funds collected is attached.

Lastly, I just want to share a conversation excerpt from the Bake Sale:

Bake Sale Person: What would you like to buy?

Young ISB student: Nothing, I don’t want to get anything. I just want to give you the money.

Bake Sale Person: You can get something with that money. Maybe even just a cookie or a brownie?

Young ISB student: No, if I get something, you will not have enough cookies to sell and you won’t get enough money for the poor children in the Philippines.


Again, maraming salamat!


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