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MS eNews – Friday, January 17, 2014

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events:

Monday – Thursday, January 20 – 23

  • MS Drama Auditions – after school

Thursday, January 23

  • MS AMIS Strings (off-campus)
  • MS Yearbook Make-Up Photos
  • MS PTA Meeting at 11:00am in MPB2
  • Drama Auditions – after school

Friday, January 24

  • MS AMIS Strings (off-campus)
  • MS Alternate Dress Day

Saturday, January 25

  • MS AMIS Strings (off-campus)
  • BISAC U13 Badminton – Boys at ICS, Girls at TCIS
  • BISAC U13 Soccer – Boys at NIST, Girls at SHB
  • BISAC U15 Badminton at RIS
  • BISAC U15 Soccer at BPS

Tuesday, January 28

  • Early Dismissal Day

Friday, January 31

MS BKK Choral Festival at ISB

Saturday, February 1

  • MS BKK Choral Festival at ISB
  • MS Bangkok Choir Festival Concert at 2:00pm

Monday – Friday, February 3 – 7

  • MS Class Trips
    • Grade 8 – Leave Monday after school and return Friday morning
    • Grade 6 and 7 – Leave Wednesday morning returning Friday afternoon

Monday, February 10

  • Season 3 U13/U15 Tryouts – Softball/Volleyball

Tuesday – Wednesday, February 11-12

  • ISA Assessment for all 7th graders during Humanities, Math, and Science class time

Wednesday, February 12

  • Season 3 U13/U15 Tryouts – Softball/Volleyball

Thursday, February 13

  • Season 3 U13/U15 Track and Field starts

Thursday – Saturday, February 13-15

  • MS AMIS Band Trip to Shanghai

Friday, February 14

  • Maka Bucha Day Holiday – No School

Friday – Sunday, February 14-16

  • MS GIN Conference at JIS
  • ISB Activity Free Weekend



MS Activities and Athletics Weekly Update

Check out some of the highlights that have happened, or will happen soon. For the most up-to-date information, click on the following link: Link to MS Activities and Athletics



Our New MS Admin Secretary

Dear Middle School Parents,

Please welcome Khun Nan, our new MS Admin Secretary, who has joined us in the MS this semester.

Khun Nan has two children, ages 8 and 4, and has a Uruguayan husband who has made his home in Thailand.  Khun Nan has a Bachelors degree in Spanish from Chulalongkorn University and a Masters degree in Management from Mahidol University.  Previously, Khun Nan has held the roles of Secretary to the Ambassador at the Embassy of Peru in Thailand as well as an Administrative assistant at Sadesa Corporation, which is an Argentinean company with an office in Bangkok.

Please welcome Khun Nan, in English, Spanish, or Thai…..or all three!

Best regards,

Tom Burgess

MS Principal



Aimee Buckner Visits ISB

Aimee Buckner, author of professional books Notebook Know-HowReading Notebooksand Nonfiction Notebooks, will be visiting ISB January 20th -24th.  Aimee is a master practitioner who will work with teachers on developing common notebook language, best ways to utilize notebooks and how notebooks can be used as an important piece of a reading and writing body of evidence.  Aimee will be conducting labsites in grades 3 -5, as well as lead conversations about using notebooks to scaffold writing and how to know when students are ready to use notebooks with grades K-2 teachers and interested MS staff. Next Thursday, she will also offer a parent training for those interested ES and MS parents on the power of notebooks.  We hope you can join us!

What:  A Morning with Aimee 
When:  Thursday, January 23rd from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Where:  MPB 3

Tammy Westrick
Elementary Literacy Learning Coach
International School Bangkok

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