From the Counseling Office:

Kevin Callahan

Welcome back everybody!  Despite an unsettled situation in Bangkok, the semester is off to a reasonably normal start.  We’re hoping for everyone to be 100% “back in action” by the end of the week – fingers crossed!

Schedule Changes
Students should see their counselor as soon as possible for any scheduling issues.  Let’s make sure that you are in the right classes so you don’t fall behind!

Hopefully you finished submitting your applications that are due by February 1st with your counselor – if not, better start looking for some other schools!  Remember seniors:  you don’t need to request that we send an updated transcript including first semester grades to the colleges to which you have applied.  It’s automatic!  We send the updated transcript and what’s called a “Mid-Year Report” to every school for every Senior.  One less thing for you to worry about.  Also, please let us know of any results that you’ve heard from universities.  Thanks.

Junior Seminar #3 is January 29th and 30th during your free period or flex January 30th.  A most important seminar.  There is University Night for Grade 11 parents on the 30th at 6:30 pm in MPB-1.  Make sure that your parents attend so that they can be informed and help you with university stuff!  Don’t forget to finish the Junior Packet that you received at Junior Seminar. (And those few of you that haven’t done the University Springboard List, get that done as soon as possible.) And, the PSAT has arrived and was handed back after the second exam Thursday, with an explanation of scores and how to use it.   If you weren’t there, just go see your counselor.  He or she will have yours and can give you a couple of tips on how to get the most out of it as preparation for the SAT.

Welcome back for the second semester.  There is a Sophomore Seminar on January 20-21 (flex on the 20th for those with 8 classes) that will give you a few ideas about what you might like to study and do for a living in the future.  You might be surprised about the results!

Welcome to the second semester, Freshmen!  From all reports, you did a good job in your exams and they won’t be quite as scary or intimidating in the future.  Best of luck in the second semester and stop by and say hello to Mr. Davy, and to your counselor for the following year!

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