ISB Channels of Communication

by Andrew Davies

Dear Parents,

ISB Channels of Communication

From time to time, parents may have concerns that they wish to bring to the attention of appropriate school personnel. To assist parents in this regard, the following general guidelines may be helpful:

  • Any concern regarding a school-related matter should first be raised by the parent with the staff member most directly involved (i.e. questions regarding the content of instructional materials, grades, homework, etc) should be raised with the appropriate teacher.)
  • If the matter remains unsolved, the parent may wish to speak with a building administrator or a counselor. Appointments can be scheduled by contacting divisional offices.
  • If the matter is still unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with the Head of School. For an appointment, simply contact the Head of School’s office.

In our experience, problems or concerns are best addressed by the people closer to the issue at hand.

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