Counseling News

Kevin Callahan
Another thank you to our parent volunteers in the Counseling Office for your most appreciated help the past week (and the rest of the year too!) in straightening out the counseling library and getting everything so well organized.  Your work all year saves us so much time that we can spend with students, and we want you to know that your help means a lot to us!

Final Exams are finished!
We hope that all students did their best on the exams and that the results went even better than expected.  You’ve earned a much-needed rest over the break – enjoy it!

Seniors:Hopefully you finished submitting your applications that are due by February 1st with your counselor – if not, better start looking for some other schools!  Then get some rest over the break and enjoy your family time.  Remember seniors:  you don’t need to request that we send an updated transcript including first semester grades to the colleges to which you have applied.  It’s automatic!  We send the updated transcript and what’s called a “Mid-Year Report” to every school for every Senior.  One less thing for you to worry about!


Juniors: Don’t forget to finish the Junior Packet that you received at Junior Seminar.   It is due at the end of January, but get it done over the break, it will be less stressful for you.  (And those few of you that haven’t done the University Springboard List, get that done as soon as possible.) And, the PSAT has arrived and was handed back after the second exam Thursday, with an explanation of scores and how to use it.   If you weren’t there, just go see your counselor.  He or she will have yours and can give you a couple of tips on how to get the most out of it as preparation for the SAT.

Sophomores – have a safe and restful break.  The ACT Plan will arrive at ISB early next semester and we will go over the results and information with you to look a little more at your career preferences and options – look for the announcement.  There is a Sophomore Seminar on January 20-21 that will give you a few ideas about what you might like to study and do for a living in the future.

Freshmen – You’re not rookies any more, Freshmen!  You did a good job in your exams and they won’t be quite as scary or intimidating in the future.  You’ve earned your vacation, so relax and enjoy yourselves.  Read a book for fun!

Are you leaving Thailand and ISB at the end of this semester??

If you will be leaving ISB at the end of this semester, please contact the Registrar, Khun Namwan, as well as your son/daughter’s counselor.

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season, and we’ll see you in January!

The Counselors

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