Toy Donations Needed

by Kari BACKES

Attention ALL PARENTS! It’s that time of year again! Our next toy collection for the School Toy Libraries(STL) is taking place from November 24-Dec. 6. BE QUICK- NO LATE DONATIONS ACCEPTED!  Please drop the toys in the familiar boxes in front of ES Library.

The STL, School Toy Librarians,  is a project that helps provide village children with toys. The children are able to check out toys from their library for a week in exchange for acts of community service. Your donated toys help create, build and stock toy libraries in schools throughout Thailand and give students without any toys a chance to play!

The kind of toys you donate are very important. We can’t use broken toys or games and puzzles that are missing pieces. Also, we don’t want any electronic toys because the village has no source of battery, therefore they will not be able to use the electronic toys. Stuffed animals are great, but since they are mostly for snuggling they get dirty very easily, therefore toys that the children would be able to play with would be much better. We would appreciate if you could donate toys like legos, balls, cars, puzzles, barbies, action figures, train toys, sport equipment, etc. We also would love some books in either English or Thai because the children love to read.  We would really encourage your children to donate some toys to help us build another toy library or replenish some existing ones.

Clean out your closets! Empty your toy bins! Make room for those new Christmas presents! Do some spring cleaning in December! We need your help.

Thank you,

Middle School Toy Librarians

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