(Repeat notice) Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Ihrig

…Each year around this time, our very own Bakery starts making Christmas cookies, using a traditional German recipe (Muhrbeteig, my Grandmother’s very own in fact!).  What makes them unique, is that they are not sweet. You just taste simple goodness and hints of butter.  We will start selling them after lunch and after school at the Grind on Wednesday Dec 4.  They come in a multitude of ways: Individually, bagged in pairs and wrapped seasonally to show your appreciation for a teacher or friend, or order them boxed by the dozen to take home for yourself or to share at a holiday party.  Looking to do some cookie decorating yourself? Order them without the festive icing and do it yourself.  All larger orders are required 3 school days in advance. Here’s to making the Holidays special. Enjoy.

About Tina

ES secretary
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