Last Booster Meeting of 2013!

by: The Booster Club

When: Monday, December 9, 2013, 12:00

Where: Terri Alexander’s House- 4/37 Baan Smarnmitr, Soi 2, 083-015-2183

Why: Last Booster Meeting of 2013, Celebrate the Holidays and Enjoy the Company!


v Please bring a wrapped gift for the White Elephant Gift Exchange

o    White elephant gifts are traditionally “presents” that are considered extremely
tacky or that do not fit the tastes of the recipient. The thought behind a white
elephant gift exchange is to give everyone a chance to rid themselves of these
tacky gifts—and invariably gain a new one! You can bring that is previously
owned, which means that you are re-gifting an unwanted item or trinket. Others
purchase a new (no more than 500 baht!), generally inexpensive, tacky item just
for the party. The goal is to choose wacky, funny or entertaining gifts.

v Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

v Please R.S.V.P. to by Friday, December 6. We will need the approximate number of guests to order the appropriate amount of food and drinks. Also include whether you will bring a sweet or savory dish to share.



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