Counseling News

Kevin Callahan
We hope that you are staying healthy during the hectic time leading up to exams. Don’t forget to take a break to do a little exercise, eat healthy, and make sure that you get enough sleep!

There is a departing student lunch for those leaving at the end of the semester on Monday, December 9th, at 10:20 in the MPB – 1.  Leaving students, come and let us treat you to lunch, and you can bring a friend!  Invitations go out Friday; if you haven’t informed Khun Namwan, the registrar, that you are leaving, please do so immediately, pick up your withdrawal forms, and have lunch with us!

Congratulations to Aiko Fukuda, who is our only mid-year graduate this year! A celebration of her graduation is taking place today, Friday, in the MPB.  We hope you got a chance to drop by and wish her the best!

Seniors – If you have applications due any time before February 1st, you must make an appointment to send them with your counselor before the December/January break.  Counselors are busy with a variety of tasks when they return in January so they won’t be available to send applications until after February 1st.  Make an appointment now!

Juniors – you should have finished and turned in your University Springboard List by today, Friday, and returned it to the counseling office.  Your long-term assignment is to finish the packet of materials that you received at the junior seminar last week.  They are due February 3rd.  Make sure that you give your parents the invitation to Junior Parents Night (January 30th) and give them their homework – the “Parents Perspective”.

Sophomores – study hard for exams and start thinking about the courses/subjects that you really like and are really good at.  It will help you later in deciding what courses you’ll have in 11th and 12th grade.

Freshmen – now that the Foundation students have had a chance to go over study tips for the semester exams, all the Freshmen should be ready to go for their very first semester finals!

Have a great weekend.

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