Repeat Announcement: Middle School Father/Son Book Club @ the Library

By Robert Kelly

Contact Email:

On behalf of the ISB Main Library and the Friends of the Library group, I would like to invite any middle school grade boys and their fathers to our ISB Father/Son book club held in the main library. The book we will be reading was released in 2010 and is called Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi. It is a powerful book choice for this age level and equally as powerful for adults. It was nominated for a National Book Award for adolescent literature, and asks what will our world look like when we run out of non-renewable resources? The nature of trust, family, fate and luck form the thematic underpinnings of Ship Breaker’s heady adventures.

Here is the link to the book information on Amazon. It can be ordered in paperback or downloaded on the Kindle or iPad:

At this point, the exact date of the evening event is not set, but we are thinking of mid-January after the school holidays. Once I know how many people will be attending, we can move forward with setting a date. The plan will be that fathers and sons read the book at home and then we will gather at school for a casual evening that will include stimulating conversation about the book, as well as refreshments.

If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email at, and I can send you more detailed information.

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