Counseling News

Cathy Curtis
Final Exams around the corner:

Although it is difficult to believe, final exams start on December 11th.  All students have received their schedules for the exams so now planning ahead, getting prepared early and feeling confident are the important tasks to help students be relaxed during the exams and are definitely keys to having successful exams.  Putting final exam preparation off to the last minute can not only add to student stress but can make the exams less productive in evaluating student knowledge.  Any encouragement you can give to help students to start planning their study program early will be helpful.  If students need help in ways to plan for their exams or would like tips on alleviating stress, please have them come see a counselor.

University Visits next week:
We have one more university visit for this semester.  WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management at lunch on December 6.  WHU is a government-accredited private business school in Germany with a mission to pursue Excellence in Management Education. It is considered as a renowned and top-German business school, and it also enjoys an outstanding international reputation. The Bachelor in Business Administration program can now be completed entirely in English. With this new track, offered in addition to the established partly German/partly English track, we’re aiming to attract global-minded international students, foster cross-cultural dialogue in the classroom and beyond, and prepare our students to become excellent business managers and mindful leaders in today’s global environment.

College Spotlight  (managed and maintained by parent volunteers!)

Check out the College Spotlight bulletin board – this week the College Spotlight is the Temple University in Japan.

Freshmen – 9th Graders finished their last Freshman Seminar Session this week. The focus of the session was Exam Preparation – many good strategies and tips were shared between students and hopefully they picked up some additional ones from the session presentation. Students also had the chance to give some feedback on the Seminar, how much they valued each session and how generally it has helped in their transition to High School.

Sophomore – With very few exceptions, all of the Sophomore students have completed Sophomore Seminar assignment on their personalities.  It is time for them to begin to concentrate on studying for their final exams.  They now have their schedule and should begin to consider their study plan.

Next semester, they will be getting the results from the PLAN back and we will work more on their career options.

Juniors-Juniors had their second Junior Seminar Flex on November 28th (Thursday).  They received a packet during this session as well as help on how to research universities (world wide) as well as an invitation to you (so don’t forget to ask about it!) to attend the Parent Night.  You will get a Parent Perspective (green sheet) from your student, which is a way for the counselors to learn more about your son/daughter from your point of view.  These are not questions you don’t know, but perhaps ones that you’ve never had to articulate before.  We use the parent perspective to help us to write the most thorough and informative letter possible next year for universities.  Insights are helpful.  Your ‘assignment’ is due to Khun Vannee by January 29.  You may either turn it in yourself, or send it along with your son/daughter.

The students also received a copy of their transcript, so they can see just how they are doing at this point in their high school career.  Their assignments are also due by January 29. When all of the assignments are in, students may make an appointment for their Junior Conference which they must schedule during their free period as well as a time that you will be available too.  The conferences run from February 3 to March 13.

Seniors-Seniors continue to come in to submit their university applications in a timely manner and the process is going smoothly.  Seniors must remember, though, to get as many applications submitted before December 6th as possible, as they don’t want university applications to interfere with their final exams.  To be sure that students have as many opportunities to send off their exams as possible, counselors will again be available on specific evenings (5:00 – 8:00pm) by appointment only the week of December 2.  Please remember that December 5th, though, is a national holiday and ISB will be closed.

The LAST university lab will be on Monday, December 2 from 2:15 – 3:15.  Any student still needing help with applications should come to room 203.


Naviance presentation to JPC
Debbie McDowell made a presentation to a group of Japanese parents on Naviance this week to explain not only the way Naviance is used at ISB but also how parents are able to use Naviance as well.

Counselors spreading the word about ISB & making University Visits.
Kevin Callahan visited five UK universities last week.  On his tour he had an opportunity to speak with the admissions deans from the University of Sussex, University of Surrey, Royal Holloway, University of Brighton and University College London.

CIS Conference
Some of the take-aways from the CIS conference attended by Ryan Haynes, Debbie McDowell and Kevin Callahan:

Summer School programs:
Three types – Direct operations (where the university runs the summer school program), Partnerships (where the university and the summer program are partners) and then just facility rentals.  It’s a good idea to check to see which type of program your son/daughter might choose.

For example, Yale has 19 programs, only one of which is actually run by Yale University.

Lower cost options for universities
Oklahoma – where a full IB diploma student will receive in state tuition

Community Colleges in the US – here’s one option:

The partnership agreements that Indian Hills Community College has with our Regents universities, and the options that students have in the transfer process from IHCC to one of these schools. I followed up with my director about meeting you, and he wanted me to get in contact with you. Our institution would like to offer up to three $1,000 scholarships for students from your high school that would start at IHCC in August 2014. The estimated total cost for one year at IHCC is $13,600 (this includes tuition, housing, food, and health insurance).

We also have an electronic brochure available on our website, and the link to our brochure is This includes a lot of great information regarding the services we offer to international student, our programs, our campus, and much more.

Transitions to university
Students should bring paper copies of all important information – their phones, computers, or iPads may not work at first and they need to have those paper copies (passports, phone numbers, addresses, etc).

It was also noted that. Students who arrive without their families usually make a better transition as they tend to rely more on newly made friends.

ISB counselor again receives the Peggy Templeton Strong Award from the Council of International Schools
For the second year in a row, an ISB counselor was awarded the CIS Peggy Templeton Strong award “for significant and lasting contribution to the field of international school guidance and counseling”.  This year Debbie McDowell was the recipient of the award.  Congratulations Debbie, a well deserved recognition!


Are you leaving Thailand and ISB at the end of this semester??
If you will be leaving ISB at the end of this semester, please contact the Registrar, Khun Namwan, as well as your son/daughter’s counselor.

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