ISB Communication Single Page View

Thanksgiving String Concert tonight 6:30 in the CCT

by Kerri Fitzgerald

Thanksgiving String Concert tonight 6:30 in the CCT. Have you got hairy feet? It’s fancy dress Hobbit style  for this concert so let the fun begin. Please come early to ensure a seat. Seats might be limited and when the theatre (or any theatre) is full, no one can sit in the aisles or stand at the back (internationally recommended safety regulations).


Black, Gold, White!  Fight! Fight! Fight!

by: ISB Booster Club

 Please Join us for Second Season Spirit Night

Are you looking for a fun, family activity? Then look no further than ISB this weekend. The fun begins Friday after school. Friday, November 29 is Spirit Night, so put on your Panther gear and come prepared to cheer! Do you need some new Panther gear? Stop by the Booster Hut all day Friday to pick up the new spirit T-shirt designed by our very own Vidya Giri for 400 baht. Many other items are also on sale:

· T-shirts – 200 baht

· Ladies polos – 300 baht

· Mugs and caps- 100 baht

· Cardigans- 600 baht

· FREE ugly tie with purchase!

If you are unable to see us Friday in the Booster Hut, come see us at the Spirit Tent, Friday and Saturday in the breezeway by Rajendra Gym.

Come out and cheer for your Panthers! Goooo Panthers! Please click on the attachment for the game schedule.

Panther Pops! The last sale of 2013! Pick up your Panther Pops on Friday, November 29 from 08:30-14:00. Panther Pops will return in 2014! There will be NO Panther Pops for sale in December. Bring in 30 baht and support the Booster Club.


Volunteers Still Needed! For Friday and Saturday Spirit Tent

by: ISB Booster

We need you!  If you can help work for an hour shift either Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon, please contact Lynn Jones at ( to find out the times.


Music Concerts

by Kerri Fitzgerald

The Festive season is upon us and what better way to celebrate this wonderful world than through music. Two large concerts are on next week hard on the heels of this week’s  the Thanksgiving String Concert. Both are very suitable for the entire family and both are sure to be an enjoyable hour to get folks right in the holiday spirit!

Tuesday, December 3rd, the ISB High School Bands perform their Holiday concert in the CCT at 6:30 pm. Highlights include the Intermediate Band and Wind Ensemble combining to perform music from “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” and the Jazz Band will be doing a fun arrangement of “The Nutcracker” in jazz rock style.   The concert is free of charge, and all are welcome.

Come early for caroling outside the Chevron on December 4th as singers from the Thai School for the Blind join our HS and MS choirs for their end of semester concert 6:30 pm. There will be songs & carols from around the world including the classic Louis Armstrong “What a wonderful world”.

Come and celebrate a successful semester!







First Friday with Andy

by Dr. Andy Davies

The next “First Friday with Andy” will take place on Friday 6 December at 8:00am in the new Business Office Conference Room (aka Orange Room).

“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary – simply come and participate if you are free and interested.


Mother Daughter Sock Hop

Next Saturday is the BIG date, please continue collecting Thai Baht change (coins and bills) in your pink ticket bags and bring it with you on December 7th at 5 PM. Your donations will be put together with the Girl Scouts’ to benefit organizations in our local community including the Nichada Workers’ Camp. Remember that there are NO HIGH HEELS allowed in Rajendra Gym so wear rubber sole flat shoes or be prepared to leave your shoes at the door(bring some socks).

KIDSFOTO will be available to capture you and your daughter(s) in your party clothes but you will need to pay them at the event for your photo orders. The Girl Scouts thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing all of you at the dance.


After the Wave 2013-2014  Pre-K Sale December 12th  and 13th

by Christine TANANONE

This is the time of the year when the little People in Pre-K get to try and make a big difference in the world.  Every year we try and raise money to support the After the Wave Foundation and this year is no different.  So on the 12th and 13th December you will have the chance to support this fantastic charity by buying some of our amazing items.

This year we have been lucky enough to have black and gold ISB fold away chairs made that will be perfect for the softball season.  We will also be selling Christmas cards designed by the children, footballs, children’s books, handmade jewelry and other items. We will also be hosting an auction for a signed, limited edition Christiano Ronaldo Portugal shirt.

Please show your support for these little people as they try and make a big difference and come along on the 12th and 13th December to the HS cafeteria or ESMPR between 7:30-2 PM. Prices will range from 10 Baht to 500 Baht so there really will be something for everyone.  For more information contact Patty Vidyanakorn <>

ISB British Community – Brunch Social– Tuesday 17th December at 11:00am

by Heather Powell

There will be a “pot luck” Brunch for the ISB British community on Tuesday 17th December starting at 11:00am. One of our members, Lisa Vaughan, has very kindly offered to host our group (Greenville, Nichada). Please RSVP so as we can coordinate the pot luck offerings. This will be our last get together before the end of the school semester. We are planning a “Welcome Back” Evening Social in January. For more information and to RSVP please contact ISB British Representative – Heather Powell (email: mobile 083 293 2169).

Update on the Philippine Relief Fund

by Joy Davy

On behalf of the ISB Filipino Community Group, I would like to give a proceeds update from the Bake Sale of November 20 and the Filipino lunch of November 22 as follows:

Bake Sale:                               103, 070.50 Bht

Filipino Lunch:                         43, 250.00 Bht

The cash donation collection is still ongoing so we’re going to announce the full amount when the fundraising drive is completed.

We will be having a Christmas themed Bake Sale as our culminating activity for the fundraising drive. It will be on December 17 from 10 am to 3 pm.  Like the 1st bake sales, we need donations of cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cakes, muffins, etc.

We will also be selling raffle tickets starting next week until the day of the bake sale.  Raffle prizes will include a hotel stay, dinner for 6, brunch for 4, surfboard, gift baskets, and many more.  Winners will be announced when school reopens after the Christmas break.

We deeply appreciate all the support that the community has extended and continue to extend to our fundraising drive.

Mabuhay and maraming salamat!


Toy Donations Needed

by Kari BACKES

Attention ALL PARENTS! It’s that time of year again! Our next toy collection for the School Toy Libraries(STL) is taking place from November 24-Dec. 6. BE QUICK- NO LATE DONATIONS ACCEPTED!  Please drop the toys in the familiar boxes in front of ES Library.

The STL, School Toy Librarians,  is a project that helps provide village children with toys. The children are able to check out toys from their library for a week in exchange for acts of community service. Your donated toys help create, build and stock toy libraries in schools throughout Thailand and give students without any toys a chance to play!

The kind of toys you donate are very important. We can’t use broken toys or games and puzzles that are missing pieces. Also, we don’t want any electronic toys because the village has no source of battery, therefore they will not be able to use the electronic toys. Stuffed animals are great, but since they are mostly for snuggling they get dirty very easily, therefore toys that the children would be able to play with would be much better. We would appreciate if you could donate toys like legos, balls, cars, puzzles, barbies, action figures, train toys, sport equipment, etc. We also would love some books in either English or Thai because the children love to read.  We would really encourage your children to donate some toys to help us build another toy library or replenish some existing ones.

Clean out your closets! Empty your toy bins! Make room for those new Christmas presents! Do some spring cleaning in December! We need your help.

Thank you,

Middle School Toy Librarians

Important BYS Soccer News

by Justin Wah

Dear ISB Community,

Our Bangkok Youth Soccer (BYS) league has been coordinated with great success by Joelle Butcher for the past 7 years.  During this period thousands of students have played soccer in the BYS league and cup competitions.  She has done a fantastic job, and given much of her time to ensuring that BYS has been able to run successfully.  This was Joelle’s last year running BYS and she will now step down as the BYS Coordinator.

On behalf of the entire ISB community and school I’d like to thank her for all of her efforts over the past 7 years!  THANKS JOELLE!!!

Obviously, this means that BYS will require some new parents to step forward and take the reins.  As with our other community sports programs, these are run by parent volunteers, with the support of the CAO.

Joelle has managed to run BYS pretty much single handedly, however, this does not mean that it has to be run this way.  Baseball, is run by a committee of people who all chip in and break up the work load between them.  BYS can, and has been in the past, run in a similar fashion.

Please go to the following link if you are interested in helping run BYS.

Soccer experience is NOT necessary.  We are lucky enough to have a group of professional coaches that come into run the training sessions, this in addition to the support from ISB’s CAO makes the job manageable.

The role of the BYS committee or the BYS coordinator will be (but not limited to):

  • organize parent volunteers
  • order uniforms
  • create game schedules
  • find sponsors
  • coordinate referees
  • set-fees
  • create teams
  • work with the CAO
  • coordinate and work with Bangkok Soccer Schools

If no one puts their hands up to run such a program, there is a good chance that BYS will no longer exist at ISB, and ISB students will have to look else where to play in an all inclusive soccer league. It would be a shame to see such a successful program go by the wayside and see so many kids miss out on the opportunity to play soccer.

We encourage you strongly to consider signing up for a role in BYS.  If you are enthusiastic about your child’s soccer experience while in Bangkok please sign up here. Remember you do NOT have to be an experienced soccer player or coach to contribute to running the program.

Once we have some names signed up, we will contact you to discuss how to move forward with next BYS season.


Downtown Parent Connection

Marlene Heese

Please join us for one of our Parent Connection Events.

*December 11, 2013*
Four Seasons Hotel
Spice Market Cafe-11:30 am

*February 5, 2014*
Jim Thompson House
Lunch & Tour- 11:30 am

*April 23, 2014*
Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Lobby Cafe- 10 am

Please RSVP for each event:

Marlene Heese
Bangkok, Thailand


Passion Day Feedback

by Graeme Scott

Dear Parents,

It is now several weeks since Passion Day.  This was the first time we have done anything like this, and there was nothing of the same scale in other schools that we could use for a blueprint.  So, it was a real voyage of discovery for us.  Whilst it was impossible to match all of the kids’ needs to activities, we did manage to place over 85% of students in their first or second choice activity.  Pre K – grade 2 children had a different type of day but one that involved much more choice than normal.   There was a real buzz on and off campus on 8th November – it was a very exciting day.

The purpose of Passion Day was to give our students more individual choice and, where possible, to allow them to spend a whole day going deeper into something they were passionate about, or to try something new.  It was also an opportunity for us to come together as a school (we started the day with a whole school assembly with students from grades 3-12) with many activities including students from different grades.  We are keen to make future Passion Days even better but to do that, we need your feedback.

We would be most grateful if you could take the time to answer three straightforward questions for us.

  1. What did your child/children do on Passion Day?
  2. How were your children when they arrived home?  Did they enjoy Passion Day?  Did they learn something new?  How did they react?
  3. From your perspective, what could we have done differently to make this a better day?

Please email your responses to any of Graeme Scott ( ), Elizabeth Rossini ( ), Bronwyn Weale ( )

Thank you so much for your time.

“We must act out passion before we can feel it.”

Jean-Paul Sartre

Tell Villa to Stop using Plastic Bags

by Kerry DYKE

Since the new Villa opened and have started giving out plastic bags again I have received several complaints from ISB teachers, students and parents. People were disappointed in Villa’s decision to use single use plastic bags again. My Green Panthers class have been watching documentaries (Bag It – it’s in the ISB library) and learning about the topic. Now we are ready to take action.

They decided to start a petition on
For every person who signs the campaign an email is sent to their customer service center.

Please help us speak loudly to Villa and ask them to reverse their policy and stop using single use plastic bags once and for all.

1. Please join this campaign:
2. Share this campaign with people in Nichada Thani.

Thank you,
Green Panthers


 eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.








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