Important BYS Soccer News

by Justin Wah

Dear ISB Community,

Our Bangkok Youth Soccer (BYS) league has been coordinated with great success by Joelle Butcher for the past 7 years.  During this period thousands of students have played soccer in the BYS league and cup competitions.  She has done a fantastic job, and given much of her time to ensuring that BYS has been able to run successfully.  This was Joelle’s last year running BYS and she will now step down as the BYS Coordinator.

On behalf of the entire ISB community and school I’d like to thank her for all of her efforts over the past 7 years!  THANKS JOELLE!!!

Obviously, this means that BYS will require some new parents to step forward and take the reins.  As with our other community sports programs, these are run by parent volunteers, with the support of the CAO.

Joelle has managed to run BYS pretty much single handedly, however, this does not mean that it has to be run this way.  Baseball, is run by a committee of people who all chip in and break up the work load between them.  BYS can, and has been in the past, run in a similar fashion.

Please go to the following link if you are interested in helping run BYS.

Soccer experience is NOT necessary.  We are lucky enough to have a group of professional coaches that come into run the training sessions, this in addition to the support from ISB’s CAO makes the job manageable.

The role of the BYS committee or the BYS coordinator will be (but not limited to):

  • organize parent volunteers
  • order uniforms
  • create game schedules
  • find sponsors
  • coordinate referees
  • set-fees
  • create teams
  • work with the CAO
  • coordinate and work with Bangkok Soccer Schools

If no one puts their hands up to run such a program, there is a good chance that BYS will no longer exist at ISB, and ISB students will have to look else where to play in an all inclusive soccer league. It would be a shame to see such a successful program go by the wayside and see so many kids miss out on the opportunity to play soccer.

We encourage you strongly to consider signing up for a role in BYS.  If you are enthusiastic about your child’s soccer experience while in Bangkok please sign up here. Remember you do NOT have to be an experienced soccer player or coach to contribute to running the program.

Once we have some names signed up, we will contact you to discuss how to move forward with next BYS season.



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