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MS eNews – Friday, November 22, 2013

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events:

Tuesday, November 26

  • MS Parent Walkabout starting at 7:45am in MPB3

Wednesday, November 27

  • MS Band Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theatre

Thursday, November 28

  • MS & HS Strings Concert at 6:30pm in the Cultural Center Theatre

Friday, November 29

  • Lost & Found display in main cafeteria

Tuesday, December 3

  • Student Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Wednesday, December 4

  • MS/HS Choir Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theatre

Thursday, December 5

  • H.M. King’s Birthday (No School)

Friday, December 6

  • MS Alternate Dress Day

Tuesday, December 10

  • Constitution Day (School in session for students, holiday for Classified Staff)

Thursday, December 12

  • MS Dance and Drama Assembly

Saturday, December 14

  • MS Student Social at 5:00pm

Thursday, December 19

  • MS Olympics

Friday, December 20

  • MS Alternate Dress Day
  • Lost & Found Display in Cafeteria
  • MS End of Semester Assembly at 7:20am in the Chevron
  • All student dismissal at 11:30am

December 23 – January 10

  • ISB Winter Holiday (No School)

Monday, January 13

  • School opens – 1st day of Semester 2



MS Activities and Athletics Weekly Update

Check out some of the highlights that have happened, or will happen soon. For the most up-to-date information, click on the following link: Link to MS Activities and Athletics



MS Parents, How You Too Can Receive The Daily MS Student Bulletin!

Subscribe to the Good Morning Middle School daily email. Parents, you too can now receive the daily information that your child(ren) receive!  Delivery will begin on Wednesday, November 27.



Chickenpox Awareness

This week, the Health Office was notified that seven students and one staff member from the MS were diagnosed with Chickenpox; a contagious disease caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus.  Chickenpox can be serious, especially in babies, adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Chickenpox spreads in the air through coughing or sneezing. It can also be spread by touching or breathing in the virus particles that come from chickenpox blisters. A person with chickenpox can spread the disease from 1 to 2 days before they get the rash until all their chickenpox blisters have formed scabs. The incubation period is 13-17 days.

Please notify school nurse if your child was diagnosed with Chickenpox. The student must stay home from school until the vesicles become dry. The clearance note from doctor is required before returning to school.

The symptoms of chickenpox include fever, malaise, headache followed by a rash that turns into itchy, fluid-filled and pustule blisters that eventually turn into scabs. The rash may first show up on the face, chest, and back, then spreads to rest of the body, including inside the mouth, eyelids, or genital area. It usually takes about one week for all the blisters to become scabs.

The best way to prevent chickenpox is to get the chickenpox vaccine. The chickenpox vaccine is very safe and effective at preventing the disease. Most people who get the vaccine will not get chickenpox. If a vaccinated person does get chickenpox, it is usually mild—with fewer blisters and mild or no fever. The chickenpox vaccine prevents almost all cases of severe disease. If your child has not been vaccinated, two doses of chickenpox vaccine are recommended for best protection.



Reminder:  First MS Parent Walkabout of 2013-2014 Coming This Thursday, November 26th!

Dear MS Parents, you are invited to come see learning in the MS in action!  Our first MS Walkabout of the school year will be on Tuesday, November 26th at 7:45 – 10:00am.  We will begin in the MPB3 at 7:45am for the first 10 minutes for an introduction going over our expectations for parents visiting classrooms.  Parents are then welcome to visit classrooms.  At 9:15 we will reconvene in the MPB3 and have an opportunity for a follow-up discussion with the MS Administrators about the MS programs.



Chevron Panther Tennis Clinic with Asia’s prominent Tennis Specialist: Dec 14 & 15 

For the first time at ISB, the Parent Tennis Committee (PTC), together with Advantage Tennis and supported by Chevron, are organizing a special 2-day tennis clinic by one of Asia’s most accomplished tennis coaches, Randall Scott, who has a 20-yr track record developing champions in Asia.  Offering a Wholistic approach to developing young players in tennis, Coach Randall has also been a personal coach to Davis Cup, Grand Slam and Olympic players during their pivotal, development years.  He has been a development coach to players with 10 professional titles and 35 international, junior titles.

Coach Randall: “Over the years, many elite junior and senior players I have coached would say to me during their post match discussion — “I lost because I wasn’t playing well”.  Tournament tennis is not about waiting to play well to win, it is about learning to win even when you are not playing well.  This is the attitude of a player who develops into becoming an effective competitor and peak performer.”

To know more about Coach Randall, please click on this link:

Visiting Coach Simon Tomlinson, from the UK, who also has 20 year’s experience in coaching junior champions in the UK, will assist Coach Randall.

The clinic, to be held on December 14-15, is open to all competitive tennis players at ISB.  The fee for each participant, inclusive of lunch, drinks, giveaways and prizes is 4,500 Baht.  There will be two sessions each day, each comprising 2.5 hours, so each participant will get 5 hours of training daily.  To maximize the effectiveness of the sessions, places will be limited to only 20, so please book a place for your child by December 2.   Registrations will be strictly based on a first-come-first-served basis.  

To sign up, please email with the following details:

  • · Participant’s name, age, grade and gender
  • · Number of years/past & current experience in tennis, if any

You will receive a confirmation email followed by the clinic schedule and relevant details.  All payments have to be made at the CAO by Dec 10.

For more information, please feel free to email or sandysmora@hotmail.comof the PTC.



Repeat Announcement:  Leaving ISB End of This Semester?

If you are leaving or possibly leaving ISB before, or end of this semester, please contact Khun Fon in the MS Office at – she will send you the ISB Withdraw Form that needs to be completed in order for her to get your child’s school records ready for his/her next school.



Repeat Announcement:  Special Thanks Giving Concert

A Special Thanks Giving Concert in the Cultural Centre Theatre

Thursday, November 28th 2013 at 6:30pm

Admission is free

Come and hear the Middle School Concert Strings and the High School String Ensemble perform these works: Jupiter by Holst, a Symphony by Stamitz and ‘Winter’ from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and an excerpt from “The Hobbit”.  This is a unique opportunity to hear young people from ISB string groups performing together.  Please come and support this event and invite staff, friends and family to the concert.



Repeat Announcement:  Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

… that each November brings us the celebration of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a time where we are reminded to be in gratitude for our plenty and our bounty.  It is a time of Community, Collaboration, Friendship, Family, Gratitude, Blessings and Remembrance.  Ideally it should be a day like any other in terms of gratefulness, however, it is truly special for us to dedicate one day for extra reflection.  As has become custom at the HS/MS Cafeteria, Epicure will be serving up a traditional Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday Nov 28 starting at 10:00am.  The delightful menu will include: Carved Roast Turkey, Honey Glazed Ham, Homemade Herb Stuffing, Giblets Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli & Carrot Saute and Pumpkin Pie, all for only 160 B.  Should your child wish to partake in this celebration on Thursday, please ensure that their campus cards are topped up so as not to disappoint.  Parents are also welcome to partake in the festivities!  Enjoy.

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