Counseling News

Ryan Haynes

Grade 9:Freshmen this week have continued to have individual conferences with Mr. Davy to discuss how they are settling into High School life. Next week, students will have a presentation from Mr. Roback focusing on Global Citizenship Week (GCW). This will be very good timing, as the following week, the window for freshman GCW registration will open up (October 14-16).

Grade 10: On October 16, the ACT/PLAN will be given to grade 10 students. The ACT/PLAN is part of the grade 10 curriculum and a practice test for the ACT.

Grade 11: On October 16, the PSAT will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 11 students. ISB hosted a big College Fair (The CIS Fair 29 schools) this week and we have a Canadian University and the Linden Fair visiting next week. As was discussed in the Junior Seminars, meet with admissions representatives and make a contact with them. Admissions representatives are the people who will read your application!

Grade 12: Great to see so many Seniors attending University Lab! We had another great turn out this past week. University Lab continues this Monday and every Monday until December 2.

This week, the Counseling Office hosted a wide range of colleges/universities culminating with the CIS University Fair on Thursday. In addition to the traditional fair format, admissions representatives hosted workshops on topics ranging from college application essay writing to financial aid.

Upcoming College/University Visits (Please consult Naviance for any additions or changes:
In case you were unable to attend the evening program hosted at ISB for Emory University, the University of North Carolina, the University of Virginia, and the University of Wisconsin, these universities will be hosting a program for students and parents this Saturday, October 5 at the Shangri-La Hotel from 10am-12pm.

Success Canada Day (University of Calgary, Carleton University, Dalhousie University, Trent University, The University of Western Ontario)October 7

Dutch University Information Session October 8
University of Southern California October 10
Linden College Fair (37 colleges/universities scheduled to visit): October 11

Have a good week!
HS Counselors

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