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First Friday with Andy – Oct. 4th @ 8:00 am


The next “First Friday with Andy” will take place on Friday 4 October at 8:00am in the new Business Office Conference Room (aka Orange Room).

“First Friday with Andy” is an open forum for parents to meet informally with the Head of School and address any topics of interest or concern. No signing up is necessary – simply come and participate if you are free and interested.


Board Chair Letter 30 September 2013

by Marc de Vries

On September 17th the Board of Trustees had its first regular Board Meeting of the school year. Below is a summary of the most important points discussed during the meeting.


Dr. Andy Davies has proposed that ISB become a more inclusive school that would make it possible for ISB to cater to children of a wider range of learning abilities. The Board strongly supports this idea because ISB should cater to the educational needs of expatriate families in the broadest sense feasible. It’s especially disappointing to hear that siblings have to go to separate schools, or families decide against moving to Thailand, because there isn’t appropriate educational support for their children. Members of the leadership team have already visited the few international schools that could serve as models to help us understand the requirements for successful implementation. It’s clear that “inclusion” will require additional teachers and other resources and a flexible approach based on each child’s individual situation. Implementation will be gradual, initially focusing on accommodating students with specific learning challenges currently enrolled at ISB. Later ISB will look at admitting new students with moderate to intensive learning disabilities of families with other children applying to ISB. With the school gradually moving towards differentiated and individualized learning for all of our students, the lessons learned with “inclusion” will better help the school achieve its vision for ISB 2020.

ISB 2020

Last school year’s framework driving ISB’s vision towards more choice, flexibility and passion in learning is starting to take shape in concrete steps such as the introduction of e-based learning and passion day, where students will be able to explore a subject they have always wanted to know more about. The concept of “voice” and “choice” is rooted in the belief that if students are interested and passionate about their subjects, this will lead to better learning. Mr. Graeme Scott also showed research by Tony Wagner that problem solving, collaboration, adaptability, accessing and analyzing information, entrepreneurship, effective oral and written communication, and curiosity and imagination are key skills and traits for success in college and career. In order to see first-hand how these traits manifest themselves in leading organizations, administrators will visit Google, Stanford, and Nueva, a school renowned for being on the cutting-edge of learning.

Financial Results 2012/2013

Mr. Ugo Costessi presented the unaudited consolidated financial results for the school year 2012-2013. Overall the schools financial position is healthy and continues to get stronger. Following the world financial crisis, enrollment has grown steadily reaching record revenues of THB 1,557million, about THB 10 million above budget. At the same time cost control and cost reductions, lower prices and postponement of expenditure made it possible to book expenditures of THB 1,408 million, or about THB 10 million less than budgeted. The school’s overall surplus of THB 149 million brings the school’s equity position to THB 1,110 million. With the new sport center completed, assets increased to THB 1,736 million, despite the old school building now being fully depreciated. On the liabilities side, ISB repaid the outstanding amount of THB116 million for a bank loan, reducing overall liabilities to THB626 million. Evaluating the cash flow from 2008-2013, being the period where ISB embarked on major capital expenditure projects such as the Cultural Center, purchasing land and constructing the new sports center, it is noted that even after repayment of the outstanding loan, the cash position increased by THB 30 million, meaning that these capital projects have already been paid for by the school’s operations over the past five years.

The BOT measures the school’s financial performance against metrics in a financial matrix, and ISB met or exceeded the targets on all fronts, except Net Current Assets where the target of THB 200 million was missed by THB 14 million due to the repayment of the long term loan. In addition the target of having equity being equal or higher than the fixed assets, showed again a positive progression, as equity is now 97% of the fixed assets. With 2013/2014 opening enrollment of 1940 students, which is a record high for more than 20 years, the coming school year is again expected to be financially solid.

Safety Update

Dr. Davies provided an update on safety improvements that were made so far this year. Some of the measures already taken include:

  • Hiring an additional nurse so we have cover on Saturdays and in the evenings
  • Hiring a consultant to support the existing nursing staff
  • All new teachers will be CPR certified and all existing teachers will be CPR certified by August 2015 (80% by August 2014)
  • Additional AEDs have been ordered for better school coverage
  • All classrooms have clear emergency information displayed and provide emergency response stickers for the back of ID cards
  • Enhanced medical screening is now in place for school sponsored athletics, grade 6-12, and require medical check-ups for all new students
  • We have been working closely with World Medical Center on emergency medical response  procedures

In addition, a heat policy is being drafted and wet-bulb thermometers and lightning meters will be purchased. Another safety improvement is the organizing of a bike safety training for ES and MS students.

IB Diploma Results

Mr. Philip Rogers presented an overview of ISB’s historic and most recent IB results of May 2013. Over the years the number of students taking the full IB diploma has steadily increased to 67 seniors taking the diploma in 2013. This school year there is a big increase with 108 seniors taking the diploma. Nearly all juniors and seniors are taking at least one IB class. ISB has continued to broaden the offering of IB classes. For example Psychology HL and Film SL are two of the four new courses added this year, so that now there are 26 HL subjects and 27 SL subjects on offer. The May 2013 results were consistent with ISB’s historic high pass rates and IB course average. The Diploma average score was 35 (24 is passing, 45 is perfect), with the global average being 29. ISB’s diploma pass rate was 94%, compared to 79% globally, and the course average was 5.5 (out of 7) while the global average was 4.7. This illustrates that ISB’s IB program is very strong. Credit must go to our teachers. The fact that many of our teachers are examiners or teacher trainers themselves may also partly explain ISB’s consistently good results.

PTA Update

Cory Fox, President of the PTA, gave an overview of the many PTA activities that are taking place. Participation at the first coffee meetings, both at ISB and in town, has been overwhelming and PTA enthusiasm is riding high. Mrs. Fox mentioned that the PTA has funds available to support project requests and invites community members to apply.

School Trip Destinations

Concerns have been expressed regarding school trips to countries where students are unable to obtain visas because of their nationality. Some community members feel strongly that ISB should not offer trips as part of GCW if some of our students are discriminated against. In order to better understand the situation and the possible consequences of a Board decision, the BOT will look into the matter in more detail together with the Head of School and will make a recommendation at the next Board Meeting.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday October 15th, 2023 in MPB3 at 6:00pm – 09:00pm. The meeting is open for all ISA members to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Marc de Vries

BOT Chair


Road Safety Education Training for Young ISB Bicycle Riders

Justin Wah

Dear ISB Community,

As part of our continued efforts to improve safety for our students and our school community, ISB is offering Road Safety Educational Training for Young Bicycle Riders.
This training program is offered the two weekends in November to ISB students aged 5-10 years and 11-14 years in a 4 hour session covering road safety, correct usage and riding of a bicycle, and responsibility to self and road user.

Program of training sessions

Date and Time

Age Groups

No. of participants

Saturday, November  9
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


12:30- 16:30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


Sunday, November 10
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


12:30 -16:30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


Saturday, November 16
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs



5 yrs – 10 yrs


Sunday, November 17
7.30 – 11.30

11 yrs – 14 yrs


12:30 – 16:30

11 yrs – 14 yrs



Register your student now for this valuable opportunity on this Community Activity Office link (Click Here to Register) Cost:  500 baht per child (with ISB subsidy of 1500 baht per student)

Venue:  ES MPR and the main parking lot

Trainers:  Interdisciplinary Centre for Road Safety (ICRS) was founded by Roy Ben-Eliezer, a public health expert who has been working for more than seven years in the field of road safety and injury prevention in Israel, Myanmar and Vietnam. ICRS activities focus on promoting safer roads and responsible driving culture with the objective of changing behavioral patterns, providing road users with the tools and knowledge of better road usage.



Booster Hut Sale! Oct. 3rd & 4th

by  Mary Turner

Looking for some great deals?  Then look no further!  The Booster Hut will be open this Thursday and Friday, October 3-4 from 07:30-14:30.  Stop by and see us!  How can you show your Panther Pride?  From October 9-12 we have many athletes participating in IASAS and BISAC tournaments.  If you attend any of these sporting events, we ask that you please wear your Panther gear.

Thursday, October 10- Wear white

Friday, October 11- Wear black

Saturday, October 12- Wear gold

Goooooo Panthers!!!!


Bangkok International Choral Festival concert  Saturday 5th Oct at 2 pm

by Kerri Fitzgerald

This concert is a VERY popular one and, as the Chevron has a capacity of 580, it is best to arrive early (1:45) and get seated on time. We will try to seat any latecomers during the applause points but please remember that international safety regulations forbid the overloading of theatres – all exits and aisles must be unobstructed. Also please remember that there is no flash photography as it is distracting for everyone. A video recording will be available from the library in the week following the concert.


BBSA – Baseball and softball registration is now open for the 2013-14 season

by Kevin Sypolt

Bangkok Baseball Softball Association has organized baseball/softball play for the past 53 years in Bangkok. There are leagues for boys and girls ages 5 yrs – 18 yrs.  Please note registration is open from now until October 31st.  We must register players now so we have time to hold player assessments, form teams and order player uniforms before play begins.  Current fees per player are THB 2,500.  Registration fees will increase to THB 3,500 on November 1st so be sure to register before November 1st.

You can make your payment at the Community Activity Office (CAO) or pay by Thai bank wire transfer.  Cash, credit cards and Thai baht checks are accepted for payment at the CAO office.  The CAO Office is open Monday – Friday, 7:00AM to 11:00AM and 12:00PM to 3:00PM.

Player assessment will be held on Sunday November 3rd and Sunday November 10th at the ISB fields.  All players are strongly encouraged to attend both assessment sessions but it is vital that all players attend at least one assessment session to allow the coaches to create fair and balanced teams.   Parents will be contacted about the specific times for their player’s assessment session.

Practices will begin in mid November with Opening Day for baseball/softball on Saturday, Nov 23rd.  All games are played on Friday evenings and Saturdays at ISB.  Games will continue every weekend until the league championships the weekend of February 28th/March 1st.  There will be no games during the winter break at ISB but we will continue play on Saturday, January 11th 2014.

All teams will practice once per week during the season as a weekly practice is important to skills development and to learn the fundamentals of teamwork, etc.  Most practices will take place at the ISB fields on weekday evenings (Monday – Thursday).  We have arranged a downtown Bangkok location on Thursdays for an optional weekly practice at NIST.  Parents will have to pay THB 500 for the season for this practice because NIST charges for field usage.  But all players should register to play even if they cannot commit to attending all weekly practice sessions.

On the registration form you will also have an opportunity to volunteer to be a coach, assistant coach or team parent.  Please consider helpng out with your child’s team in some way.  The kids really love having their parents helping out with their team and you will have a great time.  No previous baseball experience is necessary.

BBSA has purchased a limited number of fielding gloves and batting gloves for players who need them.  These will be sold on our assessment days on Sunday, Nov 3rd and 10th.  Please note that the BBSA no longer has any baseball cleats to sell.  So parents who want baseball cleats will need to obtain them on your own.

Please go to  to register.  If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Sypolt at


Do you care about elephants?

by Kerry Dyke

Join us for the worldwide March for Elephants this Friday.  Bangkok was chosen as one of the 12 cities around the world to participate in this march since so many elephant tusks pass through this city.  If you would like to stand up for this cause please click the link to sign up


BKK Model United Nations at ISB Oct.12th

by Kerri Fitzgerald

The Bangkok MUN conference is an annual conference hosted by one of several participating local schools. These schools rotate the hosting of the event.  ISB usually hosts the event every 5-6 years here on our campus and this year a dynamic committee of ISB MUN students are organizing the event with over 300 students attending.

The philosophy of the conference is to provide as many delegates as possible with MUN experience.  In other words, it is intended as an opportunity for delegates to practice applying their public speaking and debating skillsAll details regarding this year’s BKK MUN, to be held on October 12 at ISB can be found on the


Massed Band Festival – November 2nd

by Thomas Meyers

Our upcoming  annual Massed Band Festival will take place in the Chevron Theatre on November 1st and 2nd.  A full day and a half of band rehearsals will culminate in a gala concert on Saturday, November 2nd, at 2 pm in the Chevron Theatre.  5 international schools from Bangkok along with 1 from Penang, Malaysia, will combine to make a band of nearly 200 students under the direction of guest conductor David Baldock, from Kent, Washington in the United States.   Individual bands from the schools will perform their own selections as well.  This concert is free of charge and open to the public.  A reception will follow the concert.


17th Annual Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge – November 9th

by Gaile ROCKEY

“Most of us think we don’t have enough time to exercise. What a distorted paradigm! We don’t have time not to. We’re talking about three to six hours a week – or a minimum of thirty minutes a day.  That hardly seems an inordinate amount of time considering the tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the other 162 – 165 hours of the week.” ~ Stephen Covey

Exercise – Some of the top ways to get started or keep going is to make a plan, try something new, join group fitness, and choose an event to inspire.  With that said, an event for you.

The 17th annual Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge is coming.  Take a look at the attached poster for all details and register now. All proceeds support Habitat and we are so fortunate to have Prayook Sports Supply Company supporting this event again.  Now is the time to plan, prepare, and put fitness into your day.

Register at this link:


Touch Rugby

by Paula Carrol

Anyone interested in playing touch rugby at ISB on Sundays please email Jim at


eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.









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