17th Annual Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge – November 9th

by Gaile ROCKEY

“Most of us think we don’t have enough time to exercise. What a distorted paradigm! We don’t have time not to. We’re talking about three to six hours a week – or a minimum of thirty minutes a day.  That hardly seems an inordinate amount of time considering the tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the other 162 – 165 hours of the week.” ~ Stephen Covey

Exercise – Some of the top ways to get started or keep going is to make a plan, try something new, join group fitness, and choose an event to inspire.  With that said, an event for you.

The 17th annual Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge is coming.  Take a look at the attached poster for all details and register now. All proceeds support Habitat and we are so fortunate to have Prayook Sports Supply Company supporting this event again.  Now is the time to plan, prepare, and put fitness into your day.

Register at this link:  https://goo.gl/pR8Mh9



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