Counseling News

Ryan Haynes

All: It was nice to see so many parents at the High School Back to School Night. Counselors had the opportunity to meet with parents in the hallways, in the MPB, and those that made their way to the Counseling Office to say hello. We are six weeks, a third of the way through the first semester. Please check in with your student to see how the beginning of the school is going? If there are any concerns, please have your student see his/her counselor.

When you visit school, please take note of the front stairwell bulletin, this is where the College Spotlight is located. What is College Spotlight? Each week, parent volunteers do a great job of preparing the bulletin board in the front stairwell to spotlight a different college/university from. This week, the University of Chicago will be spotlighted.

College/University Visits: From the beginning of the year until the end October, the HS Counseling Office is scheduled to host 180 colleges/universities with additional colleges/universities in second semester.  Please encourage your student to attend these visits if he/she has an interest in a particular school(s)and we encourage parents to attend as well. The colleges/universities that will have visited ISB this week are: Brandeis University, Bryn Mawr University, Oberlin College, Vassar College, University Connecticut, Miami University-Ohio, University of Oregon, Hofstra University, Quest University (Canada), Ringling College of Art and Design, and the AEO Tour with representatives from 16 different schools.

Upcoming College/University Visits (Consult Naviance for Additions or Changes):
Beloit College                                                                       September 23
Milsaps College                                                                    September 23
Indiana University at Bloomington                                  September 24
Middle Tennessee State University                                 September 24
Savannah College of Art and Design (Hong Kong)          September 24
Brown University and University of Pennsylvania    (Evening program at NIST September 26)

This week, Ms. McDowell and Mr. Weiser are attending the NACAC (National Association of College Admission Counseling Conference) in Toronto, Canada and will also be visiting 8 colleges prior to the conference.

Grade 12: The name of the game is “Organization!” To answer additional questions about college applications, Counselors will hold “university lab” every Monday from 2:10 to 3:10 in room 203 (Aug. 19 – Dec. 2); that equals 14 hours of college application time!!

During Flex this past Monday, Dr. Curtis gave an informative workshop on the process of applying to universities in the University of California (UC) system and the California State University (CSU) systems.

Senior Seminar: This coming Monday and Tuesday, September 23 and 24 during their free periods, Seniors will meet with counselors to complete their “Activity/Club, Service, and Sport” forms on PowerSchool.

Grade 11: Junior Seminar: This past week, counselors presented to Juniors during either their Free Periods or Flex regarding the importance of Grade 11 and the different activities in which they will begin in relation to the college/university process. Students completed self-surveys, which will assist them in selecting college/universities that will best match their needs and interests.

Grade 9: This week Mr. Davy has started having individual conferences with all of his 9th graders. He will be discussing their transition to High School life and how things are going so far.

Have a good week!

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