ISB communication Single Page View

ISB Campus Traffic Flow


Dear ISB Community,

We are continually evaluating the traffic flow at ISB.

Currently all vehicles must exit by driving in front of the elementary school. This amount of vehicles is causing safety concerns for the elementary students. For this reason, we will be changing the traffic flow effective Monday 23rd September.

ES Students: The drop-off/ pick-up area for elementary school students remains the same – the lane closest to the building and closest to the Elementary School building entrance.

MS & HS Students: The drop off/pick up area for MS & HS students is the roundabout area. When you drop-off your MS & HS students, please pull your vehicle up as far as possible by the curb in the roundabout area and have your children ready to hop out. Please ensure your children are ready to exit the vehicle to improve traffic flow. Please then exit by following the roundabout or continue forward if you have ES students to drop off. Currently the roundabout is barricaded, but starting Monday Sept 23, it will be open.

At the same time, we have noticed many drivers double parking in the morning in the first lane of the ES parking lot. This is unsafe and interferes with the traffic flow. It would be helpful and appreciated if the drivers were to leave campus immediately after the drop off. If the drivers need to wait to pick up parents they may return to campus at 7:30 am or later when the traffic on campus has been cleared.

For pick up, it would also be helpful if the drivers could coordinate via cell phone to students to arrange pick up in a timely manner.

ISB security guards are assigned to direct traffic and to monitor areas for the safety of our students. Please follow the guards instructions.

We believe this change will speed up traffic flow and improve safety.

Also, please inform your driver that ISB has a no idling policy.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kind Regards,


Road Safety Education Training for Young ISB Bicycle Riders

by Usa Somboon

As part of our continued efforts to improve safety for our students and our school community, ISB is offering Road Safety Educational Training for Young Bicycle Riders.
This training program is offered the two weekends in November to ISB students aged 5-10 years and 11-14 years in a 4 hour session covering road safety, correct usage and riding of a bicycle, and responsibility to self and road user.

Program of training sessions

Date and Time

Age Groups

No. of participants

Saturday, November  9
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


12:30- 16:30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


Sunday, November 10
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


12:30 -16:30

5 yrs – 10 yrs


Saturday, November 16
7.30 – 11.30

5 yrs – 10 yrs



5 yrs – 10 yrs


Sunday, November 17
7.30 – 11.30

11 yrs – 14 yrs


12:30 – 16:30

11 yrs – 14 yrs


Register your student now for this valuable opportunity on this Community Activity Office link (Click Here to Register) Cost:  500 baht per child (with ISB subsidy of 1500 baht per student)

Venue:  ES MPR and the main parking lot

Trainers:  Interdisciplinary Centre for Road Safety (ICRS) was founded by Roy Ben-Eliezer, a public health expert who has been working for more than seven years in the field of road safety and injury prevention in Israel, Myanmar and Vietnam. ICRS activities focus on promoting safer roads and responsible driving culture with the objective of changing behavioral patterns, providing road users with the tools and knowledge of better road usage.



Friday Late Bus Change – Reminder


A gentle reminder that we will be offering only two bus departure times each Friday. The normal bus departure will take place immediately after school and the only late bus will now depart at 3.30pm to all normal routes.

Student Athletes and Community Service Students will have transport provided at the end of their activities and practices, arranged from the Community Service and Athletics Office.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

by Pannee Pumhiran

Dear Parents,

There have been cases of a viral infection commonly known as Hand, Foot and Mouth disease, within this region and other schools in Bangkok. We have consulted medical advice and are advised that young children who do not show any symptoms may carry this virus, and so we must accept the possibility that some of our students are potentially contagious.

We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting our toilets and ensured that washing and drying facilities are well provided. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students have been checked and briefed on the need to wash their hands thoroughly every time they use the toilet.

The virus only affects young children and a medical reference gives the following detail and description of symptoms to watch for;

Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is moderately contagious. It spreads from person to person by direct contact. This disease has an incubation period of 3-6 days. This is the time between catching the disease and showing symptoms. The child is most infectious before they start to show symptoms. For this reason Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is easily passed around between small children, because they are in close contact with each other without knowing they have the virus.

The early symptoms are fever, loss of appetite, sore throat and generally feeling unwell. After one or two days, painful sores develop in the mouth, tongue and inside of the cheeks. Because they are sores and discomfort, the child may not want to eat. Within about a day, sores develop on palms, soles of the feet, between the fingers and toes and the buttocks (in some people).

General guidelines for prevention by basic hygiene;

–  Wash hands with soap and running water before eating and after going to the toilet

–  Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

–  Maintain good air circulation

–   Do not share eating utensils

–   Avoiding contact with infected individuals

–  Cleaning of contaminated surfaces by diluted solution of chlorine- contained bleach (approximately ¼ cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water)

 While it is important that we give full emphasis to these preventive measures it is essential that we do not spread unnecessary alarm and we will continue to do all we can to prevent infection at school.

ISB Nurse


Ready for a Roaring Good, Family Time?

by Mary Turner

Join us for the First Season Spirit Night and Friendship Tournament


What? First Season Spirit Night/Volleyball and Soccer Friendship Tournament

When?  Spirit Night: Friday, September 20th

Tournament: Friday, September 20th and Saturday, September 21st

Why?  To show your Panther Pride!

Are you looking for a way to show your Panther Pride?  Stop by the Booster Hut on Friday, September 20th and pick up an “Eat, Sleep, and Dominate” Spirit Night T-shirt for only 400 baht.  Additionally, the Booster Spirit Tent will be open both Friday and Saturday.  Stop by and see us!!  Gooooo Panthers!

As a gentle reminder, we ask that you do not send elementary students without adequate supervision. With more than 500 spectators anticipated there will be many people on campus and it is important to ensure your child is well looked after.

There will be Shoshana, Twist, Subway, Ban Kimchii and our Boosters providing food in the Breezeway so please come down and enjoy some action on the fields and in the gyms!

Please see the  attachments for game times.

Gooooo Panthers!

2013 Panthers Volleyball Friendship tournament 2013 Schedule

Fall seven times, stand up eight – Japanese Proverb

by Cory Fox

Parent Workshop Monday September 23 8:00-11:00 am in the MS MPR.
Please join the PTA in welcoming Resilience expert and consultant Rod
Warner to ISB.  Mr. Warner is from South Africa and will offer a
Parent Workshop entitled: Achieving Balance and Bouncing Back from
Tough Times: Resilience Tools for Expat Parents.  Psychologist Peter
Kramer states that resilience, not happiness, is the opposite of
depression.  This is a wonderful education opportunity for ISB parents
across the school  and we hope to see you Monday.  PTA will be
providing refreshments during the workshop.

Thank you

Cory Fox
ISB PTA President

Bangkok International String Orchestra Festival

by Wendy Cole

Looking for a fun activity to do as a family on a Saturday afternoon, well mark your calendars for this Saturday at 2pm. As part of the BANGKOK International String Orchestra Festival there will be a Gala Concert (Saturday Sept 21st at 2 pm in the CC Theatre). We encourage ES and MS families to come along to this short and beautiful concert.

If you like Harry Potter, then come dressed in your favorite Potter character to the concert. Some pieces from the film score for Harry Potter by John Williams (HOGWARTS Hymn and Quidditch World Cup) will be played and you can be sure the atmosphere will be electric.

There will be light refreshments served after the concert in the CCT foyer.

Please come and join the FUN!

ISB Adult Education Registration is Here!

by Ginger Duval

It’s that time of the year to get out and expand your knowledge, learn a new skill, or just enjoy hanging out with other in the community.  You can do all of this and still support ISB at the same time.  Online registration for the Adult Education program will be from September 16th to 27th with payments accepted during the same period at the CAO office.  Please check out our catalog at register!

Request for clothing and school supplies

by Mr. Andrew Cohen
Cross Culture Club advisor

Request for clothing and school supplies: The HS Cross Culture Club is kindly seeking clothing and school supply donations from Sept. 19-25. We will accept any types of clothing, kid or adult, winter or summer. All donations will go to Huaypong orphanage in Chiang Rai.Boxes for clothing will be placed in the HS/MS/ES offices and HS/MS/ES libraries. Boxes for school supplies will be placed in all HS English classrooms on the third floor.It would be great if you could all participate in this event. The orphans in Chiang Rai would appreciate your donations. Thank you for your generosity! 

Lost and Found  – Friday, Sept. 20th

by Diane Parker & Renee Rutledge

Our Lost and Found tables will be set up in n the main cafeteria from 9:00 am- 1:30 pm on September 20th.  We will be displaying all the lost and found items from ES, MS, & HS.

A friendly reminder to please label all your child’s items(cloths, duffel bags, shoes, pencil case, etc) with a last name, so when lost we can try to contact you via text with the phone number on file for mother.

For questions please contact Diane Parker or Renee Rutledge

A gentle reminder about ISB school uniform donations

by Usa Somboon

Dear ISB Community,

A gentle reminder:

Recently, we have received reports that a few people in the neighborhood were wearing donated ISB uniforms (ISB P.E uniforms and other ISB logo t-shirts).

We understand that some families may start to prepare for their move and will be giving away clothes that are not needed. However, due to safety and security reasons of ISB, please do not donate uniforms to the people in our neighborhood. Donation of uniforms can be given to the White Elephant, 2nd floor of Oasis shopping Center on Samakee Road; or to the Changwattana community Church, at lakeside inside Nichada. Both organizations will send the uniforms to refugee camps upcountry. Or alternatively, contact Dianne Parker at 083 600 3831. She is in charge of display of lost and found items here at ISB.

Thank you for your kind cooperation,

Kind regards,

Usa Somboon

eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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