ISB Campus Traffic Flow


Dear ISB Community,

We are continually evaluating the traffic flow at ISB.

Currently all vehicles must exit by driving in front of the elementary school. This amount of vehicles is causing safety concerns for the elementary students. For this reason, we will be changing the traffic flow effective Monday 23rd September.

ES Students: The drop-off/ pick-up area for elementary school students remains the same – the lane closest to the building and closest to the Elementary School building entrance.

MS & HS Students: The drop off/pick up area for MS & HS students is the roundabout area. When you drop-off your MS & HS students, please pull your vehicle up as far as possible by the curb in the roundabout area and have your children ready to hop out. Please ensure your children are ready to exit the vehicle to improve traffic flow. Please then exit by following the roundabout or continue forward if you have ES students to drop off. Currently the roundabout is barricaded, but starting Monday Sept 23, it will be open.

At the same time, we have noticed many drivers double parking in the morning in the first lane of the ES parking lot. This is unsafe and interferes with the traffic flow. It would be helpful and appreciated if the drivers were to leave campus immediately after the drop off. If the drivers need to wait to pick up parents they may return to campus at 7:30 am or later when the traffic on campus has been cleared.

For pick up, it would also be helpful if the drivers could coordinate via cell phone to students to arrange pick up in a timely manner.

ISB security guards are assigned to direct traffic and to monitor areas for the safety of our students. Please follow the guards instructions.

We believe this change will speed up traffic flow and improve safety.

Also, please inform your driver that ISB has a no idling policy.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Kind Regards,


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