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HS Open House
Philip Bradley

Many thanks to the parents who braved the rain and difficult driving conditions to attend Open House on Thursday evening. The turn out was our best for over five years. Parents I spoke to appreciated the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers and gain some understanding  regarding the courses they are taking. We look forward to your continued involvement and support.

Philip Bradley
PTA Meeting
Philip Bradley
PTA meeting Thursday Sept 19th at 9:00 in MPB

Please join us at our next PTA meeting.

  • Mr. Callahan will present on some aspects of the counseling curriculum including ACT PLAN, PSAT and touch upon SAT and SATII
  • Mr. Roback will provide information on the Global Citizenship Week (GCW) February 2014

Both presenters will answer questions as time allows



Global Citizenship Week (GCW)
Peter Roback

The 2013-2014 GCW Course Fair will be held Tuesday, 17 Sept at 1:40pm in the cafeteria.  All 41 GCW trips will be represented and teacher sponsors will be available to share information and answer questions.  Parents are welcomed to attend!  The online GCW Program of Studies will be available on the ISB HS website beginning Monday.

Registration for the GCW courses begins on Monday, September 30th, at 7 pm, for Grade 12 students.  The registration windows for each grade are listed in the school calendar.  Registration is done entirely online.  More information on the registration process to come.

Students will provide their top 5 preferences in order and will be assigned courses based on time of submission.  Once courses become full, students will be assigned their next preference.  This makes the order in which students select courses very important.  We ask that parents and students have conversations ahead of time about courses, especially what parents are willing to support financially.  For students wishing to change courses after registration has been completed, please note that they will drop to the end of the list and will only be assigned a course that is available after all other students have registered.

Once registration is complete and all students have been assigned to a course, parent permission forms will be distributed which include specific course information, including cost.  Parents will be committed to making payment as a condition of accepting courses.  Final  payments will be due on November 29th.

Additional GCW updates will be provided though Friday’s Parent Communication.  Every course offers amazing learning and character development experiences for students.  Read through course descriptions together and help find the course that is the best fit for your son/daughter.




MS-HS Math Information Evening
Philip Rogers
This evening (Thursday 19th September) is targeted at our Middle School parents in to explain possible adjustments to HS Math program for grade 9 students from 2014/15 onwards.  It is not an evening for HS parents.



Counseling News
Debbie McDowell

The High School Counselors continue to work with students who are adjusting to high school and their new classes.  Each week the counselors review a list of students who have D’s or F’s in their classes and check in with these students.  One important aspect of the grade report on Powerschool is the HAL grade.  This score (1-7) indicates how prepared the student is for class as well as how engaged he/she is in the learning process. Don’t forget to check the HAL grade when you look at Powerschool!

Mr. Weiser and Ms McDowell will be participating in a university tour and attending a conference next week.  They will be on the following campuses: McGill University, Concordia University (Canada), Colby College, Bates College, Bowdoin College, Dartmouth College, Middlebury College, and University of Toronto.  They will attend the National Association of College Admission Counseling Conference. Students and parents are welcome to contact another counselor in their absence.

University Presentations for Parents

Tuesday, 17 September:  Why Study Liberal Arts?      11:00 – 12:00   Room 3-203
University representatives from Brandies University, Bryan Mawr College, Oberlin College and Vassar College will speak about the benefits of studying in a Liberal Arts program and attending a Liberal Arts College. They will also present information about the opportunities available to graduates of Liberal Arts colleges such as jobs and graduate schools.

Thursday, 3 October:  Council of International Schools Fair and Workshops

  1. Mock Admissions.  Students and parents will review actual applications to a (fictional) university and make decision the decision to admit, deny or waitlist. Experience what it’s really like to make those decisions.
  2. How Colleges Evaluate Applications.  Hear directly from the people who make the decisions about applications.  Perspectives from large public universities and liberal arts colleges will be presented.
  3. Financial Aid for US Colleges and Universities.

Sign up in the HS Counseling Office if you want to attend the Mock Admissions session.  The seats are limited.  How Colleges Evaluate Applications and Financial Aid for US Colleges and Universities will be available for all who want to attend.

Presentations for Arts Students
If your child is interested in studying fine arts, photography, graphic arts and other art related fields, there are many opportunities to find out more from the university representatives visiting ISB.  In the near future, the following representatives will be on campus and doing presentations during lunch and in the classrooms.
Ringling College of Art and Design-September 19

Academy of Art University- September 20

Savannah College of Art and Design Hong Kong- September 25

Ontario College of Art and Design- September 30 (Also meeting with IB Art students in class)

California College of the Arts (San Francisco)- October 2.  Will also be present at lunch during the parent teacher conferences on 4 October to talk to parents and students about portfolio development and/or critique one piece of work by students.

Grade 9
Freshman Seminar this week had guest Presenter Mr. Rogers (Dean of Academics) pay a visit to discuss Academic Programs in the HS. This included information on the IB Program that most Freshman have heard of but have limited knowledge of. Mr. Davy also this week ran a second session on goal setting, focusing on stepping stones to students dreams.

Grade 11
Junior Seminar took place on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  Counselors provided an introduction to the university search process. The students completed at self-inventory and then completed assignments based on their needs and interests.  Students are encouraged to find universities that are a “best fit” for them. This means that a university is challenging but offers the student academic success with a healthy balanced lifestyle and which has the programs in which they are interested and will lead to the career path to which they aspire. It would a great conversation starter to ask your child what characteristics do they consider to be important in the university they will eventually attend.

Grade 12

  • Every Monday, the University Lab will be open for those wanting to work on their applications or seek support from a counselor.
  • A workshop on writing a university essay or a personal statement took place on Monday, 9 September.   University Lab and the Essay Workshop were well attended this week by Seniors this week.  Over 50 students participated in the Monday events.
  • University of California and California State University Workshop will be on Monday, 16 September at 2:15.  Students planning to apply to these universities are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop!
  • Brown University & University of Pennsylvania at NIST–September 26 at 7 pm

The sessions will take place in the NIST Theatre on the fourth floor of the CAB Building (on your left hand side as you enter the gate).

Online registration here:

SAT / ACT Prep:  SAT prep can be found on Naviance.  The “PrepMe” program is a comprehensive program available to all ISB students.  Additional SAT/ACT Prep information is available in the counseling office and all Junior and Senior students received an email regarding a 90-day free trial SAT Prep Phone App offered by an ISB alum now working for a multinational tech firm.

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)

Who? Where? When?
Brandeis University 3-203  9/17/13 10:00 AM
Bryn Mawr College 3-203  9/17/13 10:00 AM
Oberlin College 3-203  9/17/13 10:00 AM
Vassar College 3-203  9/17/13 10:00 AM
University of Connecticut 3-203  9/18/13 10:15 AM
Miami University, Oxford 3-203  9/18/13 10:15 AM
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 3-203  9/18/13 10:15 AM
University of Oregon 3-203  9/18/13 10:15 AM
Hofstra University 3-203  9/19/13 10:15 AM
Quest University Canada 3-203  9/19/13 10:15 AM
Ringling College of Art and Design 3-203  9/19/13 10:15 AM
AEO Tour  Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Academy of Art University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
University of California at Berkeley Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
University of California at Davis Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Columbus College of Art and Design Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
DePaul University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
East Carolina University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Hiram College Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Indian Hills Community College Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Johnson & Wales University (Providence) Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Missouri Western State University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
National University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
North Seattle Community College Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Shoreline Community College Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Thiel College Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
Western Illinois University Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:15 AM
University of San Francisco Cafeteria  9/20/13 10:20 AM
Beloit College 3-203  9/23/13 10:15 AM
Millsaps College 3-203  9/23/13 10:15 AM
Indiana University at Bloomington 3-203  9/24/13 10:15 AM
Middle Tennessee State University 3-203  9/24/13 10:15 AM
Savannah College of Art and Design Hong Kong Art Classroom  9/25/13 10:15 AM

Please see Naviance for details!



ISB School Board Meeting
Walairat (Oor) Wattana-ungkoon

ISB School Board Meeting, September 17, 2013 (Tuesday)

The next School Board regular meeting will be on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 6:00 pm at the MPB 3.   All ISA members are welcome to attend.


Dance Exchange
Kerri Fitzgerald
The annual HS Dance Exchange heads off to TAS in Taipei this weekend to take part in a stimulating and very full programme of dance. Although these exchanges seem short, the impact on the students is major. You can read about their adventures in the next Touchstone magazine.



Silpakorn University Wind Orchestra to Perform at ISB
Kerri Fitzgerald

The top performing ensemble from Silpakorn University is once again performing at International School Bangkok on Wednesday evening, September 18th beginning at 6:30 pm. in the Cultural Center Theatre.

This group of wind and percussion university musicians perform the finest wind band repertoire throughout the year, and enjoy working with local and international schools to promote music education, while providing a very high standard of performing excellence.  The band is under the direction of Mr. Lertkiat Chongjaijitra, who is also a performing trumpet artist sponsored by Yamaha Music Corporation.  Their program will include a variety of wind band selections from the finest composers for this medium.

The concert is free admission, and all are invited to attend.



eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.



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