HS eNews

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HS Upcoming Events:

HS Principal Forum:
Philip Bradley
Do you have a general high school issue or concern that you wish the Principal or a member of his team would address? The High School Principal Forum is a dedicated group of HS parents who work closely with the Principal to seek clarification and/or action on important issues and concerns shared by the wider HS parent community.  We are currently seeking input for our first forum.  Please address your issues to hsppforum@isb.ac.th.  Forum members will organize and present the issues to Mr. Bradley and his team who, in turn, will meet in an open forum with the community on October 9 (MPB2, 9:00 am) to address the issues.  All personal info received via email will remain private and will be reviewed by forum leaders only.  Please provide your input not later than September 18 for entry in our first forum.


HS Open House – Thursday the 12th of September
Philip Bradley

We cordially invite you to our annual Open House on Thursday the 12th of September.

Parents will have the opportunity to attend classes according to their son’s or daughter’s schedule. In this way we hope that you will gain much useful information about the courses your son/s and daughter/s are taking and understand more about the learning environment we foster at ISB. This in turn will allow you more opportunities to engage in learning focused conversations with your child/children.

Please plan on arriving shortly after 6:00 p.m. As you arrive make your way to the front of Chevron Theater. In front of the Theater you will collect an individualized schedule and for each of your children – this will guide you throughout the evening with details on periods, teachers and locations.

There will be a technology session starting at 6:15 p.m. in the Chevron Theater – this will cover a lot of helpful information for parents so that we are better able to support our children.

At 6:30 p.m. there will be an introductory assembly held in the Chevron Theater.

From 7:00 – 9:10 p.m. parents will follow the eight period HS schedule.



Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing – Grade 9 ONLY – 9 & 10 September
Philip Rogers

On these two days our Grade 9 students will complete two MAP tests in Reading and Mathematics.  This testing looks at the learning growth of an individual child and benchmarks it against a significant sample from the USA and worldwide.  It is a computer-based adaptive assessment looking at what an individual student can do in these two areas.  Students do not need to study for this test and will complete it in either their English or Mathematics period on these two days. At ISB students in Grades 3 to 9 complete the test twice a year to help determine their growth over this time.  It is used to help develop learning plans and individual student goals.  Parents will receive a report later in the semester that provides feedback on the MAP test.  Please note that MAP is a common assessment tool for schools but other schools will not require this test for admissions.  The MAP test is run by the NWEA (North West Evaluation Association) and if you would like more information please visit their https://www.nwea.org/products-services/assessments




Counseling News
Debbie McDowell

All: International Parenting presentation with Tina Quick September 12.  USA Girl Scouts Overseas is thrilled to present a very special webinar. Choose from one of two sessions:

7PM -8:30PM Central European Standard Time CEST (7:00PM ROME/1:00PM NY)

8PM -9:30PM  Japan Standard Time JST (8:00PM TOKYO)

Tina Quick, Third Culture Kid (TCK) expert and author of The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition, will present a 90 minute webinar on the topic of International Parenting including these key points:

  • The unique character traits of global nomads/TCK and their unique challenges
  • Benefits and challenges of a globally mobile childhood
  • Challenges facing parents raising children abroad
  • Transitions and other issues and how they affect the entire family
  • Strategies for parenting globally mobile children

The webinar is FREE to members of Girl Scouts (with membership through September 2014).  Register for the webinar here.

If you’re not a member yet or have not yet renewed your membership for 2013-2014, you may update your membership and register for the webinar here.

If you’d like to attend the webinar without registering for Girl Scouting you may pay $50 and register for the webinar here.

Grade 9: Freshmen Seminars are well under way.  This past week the grade nine students met with Ms. Tananone (Community Service) and Ms. Jamgochiam (Library Boot Camp)

New Student Check-Ins: Counselors are meeting with all their new students this week and next.  This is simple a “temperature” check to see how things are going.

Grade 12: Once again, the name of the game is “Organization!” To answer additional questions about college applications, Counselors will hold “university lab” every Monday from 2:10 to 3:10 in room 203 (Aug. 19 – Dec. 2); that equals 14 hours of college application time!! The first two sessions were well attended with 25 students at each session as well as 23 students attending the special UCAS session.

SAT / ACT Prep:  SAT prep can be found on Naviance.  The “PrepMe” program is a comprehensive program available to all ISB students.  Additional SAT/ACT Prep information is available in the counseling office and all Junior and Senior students received an email regarding a 90-day free trial SAT Prep Phone App offered by an ISB alum now working for a multinational tech firm.

Global 30 Japan: On Monday, 2 September, at 9:00 AM in MPB 1 there will be a presentation by the Global 30 Project from Japan.  Six of the 13 universities selected by the Japanese Government to take part in the Global 30 Project will be at ISB to present the programs offered at their universities.  The goal of Global 30 is to provide an academic environment where international and Japanese students can learn from one another and nurture lasting bonds.  These universities are interested in recruiting non-Japanese students to study in English.  Please come to find out more!  A traditional university fair will take place in the cafeteria from 10:20-11:00 following the presentation.

Brown University & University of Pennsylvania at NIST

The sessions will take place in the NIST Theatre on the fourth floor of the CAB Building (on your left hand side as you enter the gate).

September 26 at 7 pm

Online registration here: https://www.brown.edu/admission/undergraduate/introduction-brown-university-0

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)

Kyushu University                                          September 2
Doshisha University                                        September 2
Keio University                                               September 2
Osaka University                                            September 2
Ritsumeikan University                                  September 2
University of Tokyo                                        September 2
University of Chicago                                     September 2
Rice University                                               September 2
Vanderbilt University                                     September 2
Chapman University                                       September 4
Elon University                                               September 4
La Salle University                                         September 4
Lynn University                                              September 4
Santa Clara University                                    September 4
Purdue University                                           September 4
Rollins College                                                   September 4
Trinity University                                            September 4
University of British Columbia                       September 4
Baylor University                                            September 5
Macalester College                                          September 5
Blue Mountains Hotel Manag. School            September 6

Please see Naviance for details- there are 180 universities already on the calendar for Semester One!!!!
Seeking a team of “Arts Advocates”
Kerri Fitzgerald

Parents who are interested in being part of a team that supports HS arts events (including the Cultural Convention Music March 2014) are asked to contact Booster Representative Wendy Cole at mnwcole@hotmail.com  or drop into the Activities Office to chat with Kerri Fitzgerald. Please specify which Arts discipline you are particularly interested in.


Silpakorn University Wind Orchestra to Perform at ISB
Kerri Fitzgerald

The top performing ensemble from Silpakorn University is once again performing at International School Bangkok on Wednesday evening, September 18th beginning at 6:30 pm. in the Cultural Center Theatre.

This group of wind and percussion university musicians perform the finest wind band repertoire throughout the year, and enjoy working with local and international schools to promote music education, while providing a very high standard of performing excellence.  The band is under the direction of Mr. Lertkiat Chongjaijitra, who is also a performing trumpet artist sponsored by Yamaha Music Corporation.  Their program will include a variety of wind band selections from the finest composers for this medium.

The concert is free admission, and all are invited to attend.



Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
Michelle Ihrig

…That about 98% of what we serve in the Cafeteria is home baked, hand cut, hand grate, home cooked, and hand prepared by us every morning.  This includes all the items at The Grind, the hamburger buns for BBQ Friday, the baguette bread for the sandwiches, the tortillas for the ES Canteen, the Pineapple Juice for our punch, our slow brewed iced tea, and the home roasted and hand cut meats at the sandwich bar.  We believe that Basic is Best.  Food in its basic form carries the most amount of nutrients for our bodies and is optimally digested, hence allowing us the maximum benefits from the foods we eat.  Epicure Catering welcomes a fresh delivery of produce and meats daily, striving to use recipes with only the most natural ingredients.  We look forward to another year of providing well balanced, nutritious, tasty meals to all of our very eager and hungry customers, mainly your kids. Enjoy.


eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community.
tinaratr@isb.ac.th is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families.
maurilib@isb.ac.th is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families.
vijitl@isb.ac.th is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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