Top Author, Researcher and Speaker Visits ISB

by Graeme Scott

On Wednesday 25th September, we welcome Dylan Wiliam to ISB.  To support
our schoolwide focus on assessment, we are bringing in Dylan, one of the
leading global experts in assessment.  He is an author, researcher and
educator and he is well known for marrying research with practicality.  He
is an engaging speaker and, in addition to working with our faculty for two
days, he will be offering a parent workshop from 7:30 – 8:45 in the MPB.
All parents are welcome.  Please save the date.
Some of Dylan’s more recent roles include:

1996-2001    Dean of the School of Education, King’s College London
2001-2003    Assistant Principal, King’s College London
2003-2006    Senior Research Director, ETS, Princeton NJ
2006-2010    Deputy Director, Institute of Education, University of London
2010-           Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment, IOE

We are delighted to welcome Dylan to our school and we hope you will be
able to join us on 25th September.

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