Teams selected, Chickens chasing and Games begins!

Andy Vaughan

With all teams now finalised we have had our first full week of trainings for Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams. As I walk around our training sessions I’m always impressed by the caliber of our coaching staff and the commitment each coach puts in to making the season a great one for all the athletes on their team.

Tonight our Varsity Council host their first event of the year, Capture the Chicken! Over 200 HS students will be out on the fields competing as class teams to win the coveted ‘Capture the Chicken Trophy’. We’ll have a number of HS clubs selling drinks and food for the event to support their club activities that lye ahead in the year. It is always a great to see these student led events in action and our student leaders having a chance to step up and lead these community building events.

This week our Varsity Soccer team played our Thai staff team, winning 2-0 in what was a good match up for our boys early season. Our girls volleyball team opened the season against Satrinonthaburi, who last year were the Thai champions of their age division. Although our girls lost, their performance was a big step up from last years games, with the girls showing much potential for the season ahead. Next weekend our Varsity Volleyball and Soccer teams travel to NIST for their friendship tournament and in two weeks we will host our first exchange with Soccer teams from JIS, ISKL and SAS joining us while our Volleyball and Cross Country teams travel on their first exchanges.

This coming Monday is also our first Booster Club meeting for the year. We hope that anyone interested in supporting our HS extra curricula activities this year can make it for this meeting at 11am.

Go Panthers!

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