Counseling News

Andrew Weiser

All: International Parenting presentation with Tina Quick September 12.  USA Girl Scouts Overseas is thrilled to present a very special webinar. Choose from one of two sessions:

7PM -8:30PM Central European Standard Time CEST (7:00PM ROME/1:00PM NY)

8PM -9:30PM Japan Standard Time JST (8:00PM TOKYO)

Tina Quick, Third Culture Kid (TCK) expert and author of The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition, will present a 90 minute webinar on the topic of International Parenting including these key points:

*The unique character traits of global nomads/TCK and their unique challenges

*Benefits and challenges of a globally mobile childhood

*Challenges facing parents raising children abroad

*Transitions and other issues and how they affect the entire family

*Strategies for parenting globally mobile children

The webinar is FREE to members of Girl Scouts (with membership through September 2014).  Register for the webinar here.

If you’re not a member yet or have not yet renewed your membership for 2013-2014, you may update your membership and register for the webinar here.

If you’d like to attend the webinar without registering for Girl Scouting you may pay $50 and register for the webinar here.

Grade 9: Freshmen Seminars are well under way.  This past week the grade nine students met with Ms. Tananone (Community Service) and Ms. Jamgochiam (Library Boot Camp)

New Student Check-Ins: Counselors are meeting with all their new students this week and next.  This is simple a “temperature” check to see how things are going.

Grade 12: Once again, the name of the game is “Organization!” To answer additional questions about college applications, Counselors will hold “university lab” every Monday from 2:10 to 3:10 in room 203 (Aug. 19 – Dec. 2); that equals 14 hours of college application time!! The first two sessions were well attended with 25 students at each session as well as 23 students attending the special UCAS session.

SAT / ACT Prep:  SAT prep can be found on Naviance.  The “PrepMe” program is a comprehensive program available to all ISB students.  Additional SAT/ACT Prep information is available in the counseling office and all Junior and Senior students received an email regarding a 90-day free trial SAT Prep Phone App offered by an ISB alum now working for a multinational tech firm.

Global 30 Japan: On Monday, 2 September, at 9:00 AM in MPB 1 there will be a presentation by the Global 30 Project from Japan.  Six of the 13 universities selected by the Japanese Government to take part in the Global 30 Project will be at ISB to present the programs offered at their universities.  The goal of Global 30 is to provide an academic environment where international and Japanese students can learn from one another and nurture lasting bonds.  These universities are interested in recruiting non-Japanese students to study in English.  Please come to find out more!  A traditional university fair will take place in the cafeteria from 10:20-11:00 following the presentation.

Brown University & University of Pennsylvania at NIST

The sessions will take place in the NIST Theatre on the fourth floor of the CAB Building (on your left hand side as you enter the gate).

September 26 at 7 pm

Online registration here:

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)

Kyushu University September 2
Doshisha University September 2
Keio University September 2
Osaka University September 2
Ritsumeikan University September 2
University of Tokyo September 2
University of Chicago September 2
Rice University September 2
Vanderbilt University September 2
Chapman University September 4
Elon University September 4
La Salle University September 4
Lynn University September 4
Santa Clara University September 4
Purdue University September 4
Rollins College September 4
Trinity University September 4
University of British Columbia September 4
Baylor University September 5
Macalester College September 5
Blue Mountains Hotel Manag. School September 6

Please see Naviance for details- there are 180 universities already on the calendar for Semester One!!!!

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