ES eNews

ES Welcome Back Assembly – Friday, 23rd August
Our annual ‘Welcome Back’ Assembly is scheduled for next week.  All classes, PK to 5, will join together as one to celebrate the start of our 2013/14 learning adventure.  Please note that this assembly is for students only – space and safety concerns restrict our ability to open the assembly for parents.  Many thanks for your cooperation.

New ISB Parent Training – Aug. 22, 2013 at 7:30 am in ES MPR
Come join us to explore the philosophies of Math and eLearning at ISB!
We will look at what learning looks like at different grade levels, how it aligns with ISB’s mission and vision and we will offer tips on how you can support your child at home.
ES Learning Coaches Mary Bellone and Sarah Fleming are excited to welcome you to the ISB community!

ES Panther Choir starts September 4
Students in Grade 3, 4, and 5 are invited to join the ES Panther Chorus, a elementary choir that practices Wednesday after school from 2:15-3:15. The choir runs separately from the After School Activities (ASA) and runs through the entire school year. You can find more information about the Panther Chorus and the sign up sheet on the ES Music blog here.

After school Thai class 2013-2014
Thai students enrolled in our pull out EAP and LS programs are required by Thai law to learn Thai during after school sessions.  These lessons are scheduled every Monday and Thursday afternoon.  The first class starts on Monday, August 19 at 2:15 – 3:00pm at Thai class 110 and 111. Our Thai teachers, K. Ying and K. Charuwan will teach these classes.

ES Open House
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, Aug. 29 starting at 6:30 pm.  More details in next week’s e-news.

After School Supervision—Rule—Reminder
A reminder to all parents that ES students MAY NOT be on campus after school unless supervised by a parent or guardian. This is for safety and supervision reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.

Acceptable Use Agreement
Your child has brought home a copy of our Acceptable Use Agreement. Please read it with your child and sign and return to your child’s teacher on Monday. Thank you.

Safe Haven Guardian Permission Form
Please see the attached ‘Safe Haven Guardian Permission’ form which all families must fill out and return promptly to the Elementary School office.  Hard Copy was also sent home with your child(ren).

Safe Haven Form Aug. 16. 2013

Arrival and Departure Plans for All Students
The school would like to ensure that your child arrives and departs school safely.  We need your assistance in reviewing the procedures and furnishing your child’s teacher with plans for their arrival and departure on the reverse side of this letter.  Please keep this information current.   Hard copy was also sent with your child(ren).

Emergency Information and Parental Consent Form from Nurses
The Nurses’ Office would like to be able to contact parents as soon as possible in xase of emergency.  The form went home today with your child(ren).  Please return this form promptly.  See attached form.


ES After School Activities
This Semester’s After School Activity programme will begin on Monday, September 23rd.
The following are some important dates for you to note in your calendar:

·    Friday, August 30th – Activity Listing & important registration information to be found in your child’s Friday folder.
Friday, August 30th – After School Activity booklet available online for viewing or downloading .
·    Friday, August 30th – Registration is open online.  Go to and click “Activities booklet” link. Registration will be online and you will get a confirmation to your email which must be printed and included with your payment.
·    Monday September 2nd, Tuesday September 3rd and Wednesday September 4th –Please drop your printed registration form along with exact payment in the red drop box outside the ES office.
·    Friday September 13th– Confirmation of ES ASA are sent home via the Friday Folder·
Monday September 23rd – ES ASA begin!

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

ISB is a Nut-free Campus
As stated on p. 32 of the Parent Student Handbook, ISB is a nut-free campus. We have many students at our school with serious nut allergies. In order to keep them safe, we do not allow any kind of nuts on our campus at any time. This includes the snacks and lunches that you might send to school with your child. Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our children safe.

Cub Scout Summer Splash
Deana Turner

Join ISB’s own Cub Scout Pack 701 as we celebrate the last days of summer. The Summer Splash is the perfect setting to get to know more about scouting, as well as make new friends, all while having fun. Join us at the Premier 1 pool, behind Olive Restaurant, on Saturday August 17th from 2-5pm. 500THB/Child or 1000THB/Family. No reservations required. Email for more information.
Thank You,
Deana Turner
Cub Scout Communications Chair
Pack 701

Using the Playground
Families are welcome to use the ISB playgrounds after school hours, with supervision. However, during the school day from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, the playgrounds are to be used only by students for scheduled recess. This includes the PK/Kinder playground. After 1:00 PK dismissal, the playground should only be used by Kindergarteners for their scheduled recess. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Calendar of Events
August  2013

Aug. 17 Community Activities Information & Registration Day 9:00 am
Aug. 20 Cub Scouts Parent Info Night
Aug. 22 ES Parent Education Workshop 7:30 am
Aug. 23 Board/LT Retreat
Aug. 24 ASD Registration
Aug. 26 U11 Season One Basketball & Cross Country Begins
Aug. 26-30 ASD Registration/Payment at CAO
Aug. 29 ES LS/EAL Parent Meeting 5:30 pm
ES Open House 6:30 pm
Aug. 30 ES ASA Program Registration Goes Online
Lost & Found Display
Gymnastics/IMP Registration Closed

About Tina

ES secretary
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