HS eNews

High School Upcoming events (Please click):

Message from Principal

Philip Bradley

Our first week for students has passed smoothly; the excitement and clamor of recounting vacation stories has been fun to watch – so too seeing students in classes and engaging in new learning. If you are a facebook user I would direct you to the ISBhighschool page. This page provides information on HS events and campus happenings. Mostly we celebrate our amazing students and teachers.

Panthers are back!!

We have had a good turn out over this week of Varsity try outs with coaches announcing first cuts today and finalising their teams early next week. Also next week Junior Varsity Teams will have their try outs on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3.15 till 4.45pm and under 15 Basketball, Rugby and Touch teams will try out on Monday and Wednesday from 2.15 till 3.40pm. Any High School student aged under 15 on 1 August can try out for a under 15 team.

We have had an extremely busy week of PPE check ups, with numbers each day exceeding 100 students. We are aware that a number of students were not able to finish their PPE check ups from Bumrungrad at ISB this week and we therefore urge you to print out the form online and take to either Bumrungrad Hospital or World Medical Center. The forms are available from:

Page one of the PPE can be found at this link: https://www.schoolon.net/isb/PPE1.pdf
Page two of the PPE can be found at this link: https://www.schoolon.net/isb/PPE21.pdf

We look forward to seeing JV try outs next week and practices starting in the week ahead.

Go Panthers!


PTA meeting Thursday August 22nd 9:00 AM in MPB

Philip Bradley

Please come to the first HS PTA meeting of the new school year. This meeting agenda will include several introductions and informational items from the following people:
Mr. Rogers the Dean of Academics, the programme of studies and IB
Mr. Peter Roback the Dean of Students – student handbook
Mr. Vaughan the Athletics Director
Ms. Fitzgerald the Arts and Activities coordinator
Ms. McDowell – College news
PTA – Information on the Principal’s Forum




Reminder for all students and adults

Peter Roback

Beginning Monday, anyone not wearing a proper, strapped bicycle or motor scooter helmet will not be allowed on campus.  We have had a very good week with almost 100% compliance.  Please continue to be safe and courteous riders!


High Honor roll & Honor Roll 2nd Semester 2012/13
Philip Roger

We would like to congratulate all High School students who made the Honor Roll and High Honor Roll, semester 2 2012/13. This achievement speaks to their persistence and dedication as scholars. I would also like to recognize the work of their teachers and support they have received from home.  All the High Honors and Honors students names are attached

12_13 High Honor roll Sem 2

12-13 Honor roll S.2



Student Schedules
Philip Rogers

Students may visit their counselor to request a possible change in their courses up to the end of next week (Friday 23rd August).  The consequence of students having this opportunity is that there needs to be balancing of class numbers occuring simultaneously.  We hope to have this completed early in the week commencing Monday 26th August.


SAT & ACT Test Preparation
Philip Rogers

ISB has a number of students who take the SAT or ACT tests to support their applications to universities.  There are a wide range of options to prepare for these SAT or ACT tests, a number of these are described in the attachment entitled SAT or ACT Prep document attached.  On the horizon are the approaching SAT tests and if you are looking for a classroom style tutorial please read the Top Scholars course being run at ISB. All details can be found on the attached flier.

 Top Scholars SAT at ISB (Nov-Jan)
SAT or ACT Prep
Top Scholars SAT Fundamentals at ISB (Sep-Dec)


IB Information Evening
Philip Rogers

There will be an IB Information evening on Monday 26th August 6:30pm in MPB1 for all interested families from across ES, MS and HS.  Come and find out more about the opportunities and experiences that exist in our International Baccalaureate program in the final two years of school.  The evening will be for those families who know little about the IB program.


Counseling News

Andrew Weiser

Welcome back to All: This includes over 70 new students and 14 new faculty members.  And a special warm welcome to the two new counselors in the high school; Kevin Davy is coming over from the Middle School to work with all the grade nine students and Ryan Haynes will be working with a portion of grades 10, 11 and 12.

All: The last day to change schedules is Friday, August 23!!

New Student Social is Friday evening from 5:00 – 7:00 in the HS MPB and dinner is included.

Grade 9: We would like to welcome all the Grade 9 students to the High School- Congratulations!!  As mentioned above, all grade nine students will be working with Mr. Davy as their counselor.

Grade 10: This year the Sophomore Seminars will explore interests and possible careers associated with those interests.  Students will become more familiar with Naviance.

Grade 11: Junior Seminar will focus on the college search.  Students will continue working with Naviance and fine tuning their future university plans.

Grade 12: Students had their first Senior Seminar this week and will be having number two August 21/22.  The name of the game is “Organization!”  It will be a busy semester one.  To answer additional questions about college applications, Counselors will hold “university lab” every Monday from 2:10 to 3:10 in room 203 (Aug. 19 – Dec. 2).

Upcoming University Visits (Consult Naviance for any additions or changes)

Korea Advanced Institute      Ben Ruktantichoke                 August 22
Sci. And Tech.                                    2012 ISB Graduate
University of Warwick                                                           August 26
Kwansei Gakuin University                                                    August 28
Nagoya University                                                                  August 29

Please see Naviance- there are 140 universities already on the calendar for Semester One!!!!



Student Leadership Retreat

Kerri Fitzgerald

The Student Leadership Retreat runs September 6th 3- 8 pm and all day Saturday Sept 7th  from 8 – 3 pm. This program is delivered JUMP facilitators assisted by a squad of student facilitators who have undergone a special training.They run a tight 2 day course using games and experiential learning to provoke growth in leadership skills. All Student council members must attend. Applications are available online on the Haiku site for Clubs and Activities which students can reach, or directly from the Activities Office.



HS Club Fair

Kerri Fitzgerald

HS CLUB FAIR day is August 29th in the cafeteria during lunchtime. Most clubs will be  represented and students have the opportunity to peruse the  range of activities on offer at ISB. Freshmen are encouraged to explore at least 3 -4 clubs over the year and commit to at least 2 over G 10-12.  The Club Handbook will be available on the ISB Parent Portal so that parents can discuss options.




eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community.
tinaratr@isb.ac.th is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families.
maurilib@isb.ac.th is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families.
vijitl@isb.ac.th is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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