HS Welcome Back

Welcome and Welcome Back

By Philip Bradley

As the summer vacation draws to an end and the new school year approaches I know there are mixed feelings amongst our students. From a number of brief encounters and conversations it is evident that students have enjoyed a rich and varied summer of travel, relaxation, adventure, learning, sport and family time.  And most said they were looking forward to school, meeting new students and catching up with old friends, some even hinted that they were a bit bored and ready to work! So to our new and returning families and students a very warm welcome or welcome back. A warm welcome too, to the 16 new teachers and administrators who are joining high school this year.

Much hard work and preparation has been going on over the vacation and along with my colleagues I am looking forward to school opening on Tuesday August 13th. It will be the normal start time of 7:20 (arrive at least 10 minutes early) with students meeting in small communication groups (comm groups), followed by a whole school assembly. Comm group locations will be posted in school and this is where important notices, schedules and laptops will be given out. The remainder of the day will involve a series of orientation sessions, an eight period rotation (short periods) and some technology specific meetings.

Reminder to students new to ISB – all grades

There is a new student and parent orientation on Saturday 10th of August.

Please arrive in time to register  8:45-9:00 ready for our first session in the Chevron Theatre.

Reminder to our grade 9 students moving up from ISB middle school (not new to ISB) There is a student orientation at 14:00 on Saturday 10th of August. Meet in the Chevron Theatre.


Philip Bradley

Pre-Participation Examination (PPE) for Athletes
by Andy Vaughan

As part of our review process of our Pre-Participation Examination (PPE) for Athletes at ISB we have updated our PPE form and requirements for participation in ISB Athletics teams. In the past this process was only required for athletes in U15/17 & U19 teams, however this has now been extended to all MS and HS students. We have also revised our cardiac evaluation to now include a compulsory EKG for all athletes.

Bumrungrad Hospital will be offering PPE’s for all our athletes in the first week of school (Tuesday till Friday 2.05-5pm), however if you wish to do this prior to this date, please go to the following links to download the PPE form. All students will be required to turn this in before they participate in any try outs.

PPE Page 1: https://inside.isb.ac.th/athletics/files/2013/06/PPE1.pdf
PPE Page 2: https://inside.isb.ac.th/athletics/files/2013/06/PPE21.pdf

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