Chelsea at ISB

by Justin Wah

Dear ISB Community,

The time of the open training session offered by Chelsea Football club has been adjusted. The open session will take place at ISB main field on July 13th from 6pm-7.45pm.

We have had lots of requests for people to bring NON ISB ID holders as guests.  I’m afraid that this will NOT be possible.

ONLY ISB ID holders will be admitted to watch the open session.  Please bring your ISB ID when you come to the session, if you or your child do not have ISB ID’s you will not be permitted entry.  For security reasons this rule will be in strict enforcement.

Please arrive early, attendees are requested to sit in the blue seats adjacent to the main field.  To ensure you get a seat please arrive PRIOR to 6 pm.  In addition, please ensure that you remain behind the roped off area at all times.

Middle school students who have turned in their student ID can go to the MS Office anytime in the week prior to the Chelsea training session between 7 am and 3 pm to sign out their ID card and bring it back later.


Justin Wah

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