Update on Student Math Placements

By Tom Burgess, Middle School Principal

Dear MS Parents,

In an earlier MS eNews, we indicated that your child’s math placement would be sent home with his/her report card on the last day of school.  However, we are still working on placements and groupings for next year so we were unable to send home placement notices with the report card today.

Placements are being made considering a variety of evidence for each student including current performance in mathematics, End-of-Year Assessment scores, Fall and Spring MAP scores and percentile rankings, teacher’s recommendations, and Habits and Attitudes for Learning grades.  End-of-Year Assessments were scored earlier this week, and we are still in the process of triangulating the data in order to get a clear picture of each student’s learning needs.

We will finalize placements before the start of school in August taking into account also all the new students and balancing classes.  Whatever class students are placed in, they will be pre-assessed in that class when school starts in August and any adjustments needed in placements, will be made at that time.

Thank you for your patience as we finalize mathematics course placements, and please rest assured that your child will be placed in a level that provides them with an appropriate level of challenge for his/her learning needs.

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