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MS eNews – Friday, June 7, 2013


Have a Great Summer!

By Tom Burgess, Middle School Principal

Dear ISB Middle School Community,

What an Amazing, Bewildering, Challenging, Demanding, and Engaging year it has been in the Middle School!  I could go on and on until Z with the alphabet of adjectives to describe this year, but even then I think it would still not fully encapsulate the experiences we have had together.

At the closing of our final assembly today, I told our students that we have an incredible Middle School because THEY are our Middle School, and they are an incredible group of young ladies and men.  I also asked them to stand and thank our teachers for all of their efforts and care, and our students responded with a resounding and well-deserved ovation.

So, on behalf of the ISB Middle School community, I would like to thank our students, parents, teachers, and staff for a wonderful school year full of academic and social learning.  We truly have a unique school community here at ISB, and I am very thankful to be part of it.

To those of you who are departing ISB this year, I wish you all the best in your new schools, cities, and countries, and we hope to see you again someday so please come back and visit!

And to everyone, I wish you all a safe, healthy, relaxing, and fun summer holiday, and we’ll look forward to seeing most of you again in August!

Best regards,



MS Semester 2 Report Cards and Access to PowerSchool

Report cards were distributed to students to bring home today; exceptions are students with any unpaid bills – report card will be held until all bills are cleared.  Please see one of the secretaries in the MS Office anytime Monday – Friday between 7:00am and 3:00pm.

Student and parent access to PowerSchool has been reactivated (exception is for students with any unpaid bills).


Update on Student Math Placements

By Tom Burgess, Middle School Principal

Dear MS Parents,

In an earlier MS eNews, we indicated that your child’s math placement would be sent home with his/her report card on the last day of school.  However, we are still working on placements and groupings for next year so we were unable to send home placement notices with the report card today.

Placements are being made considering a variety of evidence for each student including current performance in mathematics, End-of-Year Assessment scores, Fall and Spring MAP scores and percentile rankings, teacher’s recommendations, and Habits and Attitudes for Learning grades.  End-of-Year Assessments were scored earlier this week, and we are still in the process of triangulating the data in order to get a clear picture of each student’s learning needs.

We will finalize placements before the start of school in August taking into account also all the new students and balancing classes.  Whatever class students are placed in, they will be pre-assessed in that class when school starts in August and any adjustments needed in placements, will be made at that time.

Thank you for your patience as we finalize mathematics course placements, and please rest assured that your child will be placed in a level that provides them with an appropriate level of challenge for his/her learning needs.

Main Library Summer Hours

The Main Library will be open this summer, Monday – Friday, from 7:00 – 3:00, with the exception of the following holidays:

Monday, July 22nd – Tuesday, July 23rd.

Cafeteria Summer Hours

HS Cafeteria and The Grind are operating during Summer School
Monday – Friday June 10 – July 26
7:00am – 1:00pm

The Grind will be Closed Saturdays
Saturdays from June 8 – July 27

The Grind and Basic HS Cafeteria will reopen again on
Thursday Aug 1 – Friday Aug 2, and Monday Aug 5 – Friday Aug 9 at 7:00am – 2pm

Saturday Aug 10 
:  Grind Open
Epicure Kitchen Staff on Campus preparing School Lunch Functions

Monday Aug 12 All Closed

Tuesday Aug 13 First Day of School: Grind and HS/ES Cafeterias Open

The Grind at 6:30am- 5pm, Cafeteria at 7:00am – 1:00pm

From all of us at Epicure, have a wonderful, restful summer!

Michelle Ihrig

Epicure Catering

Manager of Operations ISB

Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

M: 082-322-7531





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