Message from Kelly Armitage and Diana Drummond

Dear Parents,

Thank you for a wonderful school year.  As it draws to a close, we take an opportunity to wish our departing families all the very best as they transition to their next “home.”  Each of you has helped shape our ISB community in special ways.  Thank you for your support, energy and the ideas that you share.  We are a better school for you having been a part of us.

The end of the year also has us wishing farewell to some ES faculty members who are off to their next adventures.  We will miss them all and thank them for their passion for learning and teaching:

Jaclyn Mac (Kg), Melanie Slimko (3), Paz Molina (art), Jen Yoo (3), Chris Law (5), Chrissy Hellyer (3), Krista Blovad (5), Maureen Harper (Speech/Lang), Carmel Kean (counselor), Paul Dufficy (EAL), and Suzanne Sizemore (learning coach).

We also have a few teachers retiring.  We thank them for their years of service to our school and community.  Trish Neubrand (art), Rebecca Rogers (2), and Olga Steklova (EAL).

About Tina

ES secretary
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