Counseling Newsletter

Cathy Curtis

As the year winds down, we want to express our great appreciation for all of those parents who helped us in the Counseling Office as Parent Volunteers.  They have directly contributed to all of the students at ISB in many ways and we honestly appreciate the time and effort they have given to the department and to all of our students.  Many, many thanks!

Great Study Tips!

If you haven’t seen it yet, ask your son/daughter for the latest copy of The International.  The article on Study Tips is fabulous and one we’d like to encourage both students and parents to read.


The Seniors all have their Check Out forms which are due on June 5.  Since teachers are in the midst of grading final exams and trying to get report card comments ready, they are often times not in their classrooms.  It might be a good idea for seniors to come back to school to make sure they have plenty of time to get teacher signatures before the 5th.

Speaking of the Seniors and The International, there is also another page in The International that truly captures the Class of 2013.  Students in other grades have made comments about the Senior class and how they see the seniors – a very impressive group of young men and women as expressed by their younger classmates.

If you’re headed out of Bangkok before the last e-communications comes out, we’d like to wish you all the best during the summer months.  Those of you who are moving, we wish a fond farewell and all the best at your new school; those of you who will be returning, enjoy your summer months, have some interesting adventures and we’ll see you in August.

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