Counseling Newsletter

Debbie McDowell

Final Exam Preparation
Teachers and students in grades 9 – 11 are preparing for final exams.  Organizing notes, handouts and readings is always a good way to prepare. Reviewing quizzes, tests or other assessments from the semester will help students.  Cramming is never a good idea so spreading the study sessions over an extended time period is recommended.  Eating healthy food and staying away from caffeine should be emphasized.  Sleeping 8 hours a night with routine bedtimes makes a big difference. Memory storage is dependent on sleep.  Here’s an article that has information about sleep and academic performance:

Are you Moving?
If you know that your family will be moving after the end of the school year, please contact your child’s counselor and the HS registrar. There are several forms that must be completed before the child can be checked out of school.  The check out must be completed before final transcripts can be sent to you and/or receiving schools.

Course Selection Confirmation
Grade 9-11 students received a print out indicating which courses will appear in their schedule for next year.  If there are questions about the schedule, please ask your child to see his/her counselor.  The schedule is based on the requests submitted by students earlier in the year.  The master schedule is created based on these requests so changes to courses (including electives) will be limited.

ISB Summer Internship
The Summer Internship Program starts with workshops on resume building and interview skills.  Students, who want to take part in the program, must attend these two programs.  These sessions will take place on Monday, May 27, and Wednesday, May 29.  You’ll learn a lot!  See Khun Mai in the High School office to choose your preferences for a summer internship.  Ask Mr. Callahan if you have any questions.

Parent Workshop
Dr. Jom, from Marek Clinic, will conduct a workshop Sunday the 30th of June 2013. The workshop will be in Thai and the topic is “Tips to raising a happy and successful child in the changing world”. The talk will be at JW Marriott Sukhumvit Soi 2, and it will run from 9:00am – 4:00pm. This event is hosted by the Arrowhead Training and Development (ATD) team. We feel that this workshop will be useful for most Thai parents in International Schools as well as Thai schools. Interested parents and participants are to register or contact the ATD for more information. They can be contacted on
02-314-6291 or . Their website is

Congratulations to the seniors for completing their finals and IB exams!!!  Seniors received their check out form on Thursday.  Students must complete the entire form with all signatures and turn in before or on 5 June.  Final transcripts will only be sent if that form has been fully completed.

Transitions:   Seniors enjoyed the first day of the Senior Transitions on Thursday. After watching the video, “Neither Here nor There” the seniors participated in sessions by counselors, parents, teachers, and outside experts.  A fun time was had by all! Ask your child what he/she found entertaining or enlightening!  On June 5th, the second day of Senior Transitions, there will be a Senior Brunch, a Grad Panel and graduation practice.

Junior Seminar #4: Almost all of the juniors attended Jr Sem #4 or the make up. Those few who did not attend need to meet with their counselor to review the expectations for senior year and find out what changes will take place next year with their applications process.

SAT preparation: Remember, Juniors may practice for the SAT for FREE using Prep-Me on Naviance.  There are easy to follow and several students report that the program is proving to be very useful.

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